+1 - that slipped past me! Heh, I flogged my 2xamps for a NI Rig Kontrol many moons ago, that fellow GFSA'er got such a steal...Julian Emdon wrote: There's another one though which I've seen a lot of:
The AxeFX/Kemper GASser who's selling all his gear at a steal so he can replace it with these handy units. There's been a lot of valve amps going for 1/4 price lately cos of this. :dance:
Mentioned in the same sentence as Alan and you ask why...? Tsk-tsk ? Of course you're awesome - hence your own grouping! Would be even more awesome if that scarlett of yours got some airtime on challenge (poke) ?Chocklit_Thunda wrote: Woah woah woah.... Explain number 9 :roflmao: unless "That Guy" means I'm awesome, then yes, I agree ?
On the whole I'm pretty much number 4 and number 7 combined..... Way too much gear and project bits and pieces lying around..... 8)
But I do agree, those guys who are clearly flipping gear for a profit P*ss me off more than anything.... They're rife in the facebook groups... And on gumtree.....
I saw BigG got into a minor spat with the wannabe-trader on FB a while ago, I had to chime in - that was the same guy who pulled a 100% markup on the Jag. I'd name & shame, but it wouldn't change a thing! Though...if I do see it on FB, I'm gonna have a growl - this fellows wife will probably come to his defense...again! ???
But it's a free market as Keira rightly points out = Wizard's Wise Words..."Caveat Emptor"