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  • Competitions
  • The Paul Bothner sponsored Challenge - November 2014

Paul Bothner Music is once again sponsoring this month's competition, and they are offering 2 sets of RotoSound strings for the winners of each category.

Paul Bothner also have recording facilities at most of their stores should you require assistance in recording your entry. Contact your closest store to book or for more info.

The challenge will be broken into 3 Categories.
Category 1 - Beginner
Category 2 - Intermediate
Category 3 - Advanced

If you are unsure as to what category you fall in, please message me or Alan and I'll help you decide. But in general:

BEGINNERS: Relatively new to guitars (+- 2 years), not much recording experience. If you don't know what a plug-in is, you are most certainly a Beginner

INTERMEDIATE: Been playing guitar for a few years. You have possibly been in a band, or you could play quite easily with other musicians. You know something about recording, you probably have some free VST/Plugins on your computer, and use a free DAW.

ADVANCED: You should know if you are here. You have been playing for a good while. You know your instrument well, and you are comfortable playing in a range of styles. You could even session. You know recording quite well. Having entered this competition and others many times before. You understand what it takes to get a good mix.

*Of course these are rough guidelines. Some players progress through these 'ranks' much faster than others. Use your discretion.

You are also encouraged to write a little blurb/description of your entry i.e. what gear you used, what was the inspiration behind the track, how long it took you etc. You get the idea

The Theme

Alien Invasion

Something that would fit into a SciFi movie as the theme. Guitar as the main instrument.


Submit all entries on or before 24 November at 9:00. Entries must be submitted via EMAIL
Send the following:

1. An mp3 of your song
2. A link to your song
3. Your username on the forum
4. What category you wish to enter into.
Send to: rogowski.adrian@gmail.com

    This is going to be interesting! Hopefully we get some whacky stuff happening! Go mad, put all kinds of crazy on the guitars!
      After many years of playing X3 with all its expansions, I always wanted to create something along the same lines as their soundtrack cos its frikking beautiful...

      Hopefully I can get something done this month
        Cool bananas. This is going to be an awesome challenge. I can see lots of flangers, phasers, super chorus and tremolo in our immediate futures.

        Adrian Rogowski wrote:If you are unsure as to what category you fall in, please message me or Alan and I'll help you decide.
        Who is Alan? ?
          I could have sworn I edited it out. I was aware of that haha.

          Damn, well, ask me then ?
            Adrian Rogowski wrote: I could have sworn I edited it out. I was aware of that haha.

            Damn, well, ask me then ?
            You're on your own Adrian..........
              Adrian... You blasphemer!!! Repent!!!

              Celine is a no no... Now I'm tainted for the day... I curse you with camel fleas, uh huh.... again
                deefstes wrote: Does this thing qualify as a guitar? It just seems like the perfect instrument for this challenge.
                Whoaaaaa....nice find Deef! That sounds pretttyyy awesome, can hear this in a serious sci-fi movie (Bladerunner, Automata, 2001, etc).

                Jury is out if it's a guitar-y vibe though, more Cello-esque to me. But how cool are the delay's from the springs? Mind boggling. Great ear candy.
                evolucian wrote: Adrian... You blasphemer!!! Repent!!!

                Celine is a no no... Now I'm tainted for the day... I curse you with camel fleas, uh huh.... again
                +1 ?
                  Oooooh I am for serious going to enter this!
                    RickyWicky wrote: Oooooh I am for serious going to enter this!
                    Do it! DOOOO IT!!!

                    My problem is that everything in my head starts sounding like a Duke Nukem theme... lol
                      13 days later
                      Has anyone actually entered? This thread has been dead for quite a while now...

                      Anyway, I submitted my entry last night, so here's hoping!
                        RickyWicky wrote: Has anyone actually entered? This thread has been dead for quite a while now...

                        Anyway, I submitted my entry last night, so here's hoping!
                        Awesome!!! I'm hoping to put something together soon. I've got a couple of starts... but nothing going anywhere.
                        Gonna have to pull a rabbit out of the hat this weekend somewhere and I'm doing the warrior race on sat ??? :?
                          warrenpridgeon wrote: Awesome!!! I'm hoping to put something together soon. I've got a couple of starts... but nothing going anywhere.
                          Gonna have to pull a rabbit out of the hat this weekend somewhere and I'm doing the warrior race on sat ??? :?
                          Cool! I'm planning on doing the warrior race next year. Obviously I'm feeling brave and thinking... Black Ops 8) but we'll see!
                            Also going nowhere slowly >☹
                            Got the drums and background but absolutely no finger inspiration yet. Nada, Niks! :'( and time is running out >☹
                              5 days later
                              I got the entries, today I had to move fridges and stuff around, so I'll upload at soonest opportunity.
                                Adrian, you never confirmed receipt of my entry.