So, after a few household chores I had to help my wife with (been married 3 weeks and already she's got me wrapped around her finger, slippery slope ?), I had some time to play DIY with some half built pedals. I had to drown my sorrows of not being able to spend any money at the Coastals Annual sale. :'(
Finished up the rest of the boards I had started. Waiting for some more cash flow to buy the enclosures and some more jack sockets!
Waiting to be boxed:
Deep Blue Delay - Really like this delay, sounds pretty decent. Would love to add a tap tempo to it, will have to save for that add on.
Wampler Ecstasy - Pretty versatile, can get quite dirty.
Lovepedal Amp 11 - I built this one without the boost. It's a great sounding overdrive.
Reverb - Made a reverb type pedal. Just used a delay circuit, but shortened the tails so it's a knock off reverb type sound. Not amazing, but it'll work till i can buy my Big Sky! ?
Fuzz Factory - LOVE this pedal. Will be boxed first as it just has so many crazy possibilities.
Emdrive - SUPER simple design, but has a great tone.
AC Xotic Booster - It works. Didn't really play on it much.
Tremulus Lune Tremolo - Really like this too. Would be great if it could be tap tempo'd, but will build a tap tempo tremolo later, if I ever need one.
DIY JFET booster - Just a simple booster pedal with a JFET, sounds pretty good.
Got a half built amp. Not sure how this will end up, not tried an amp circuit before. So, thought I'd give it a go on solder pins. That's at the back with veroboard with the copper removed. Any problem in trying this? Not seen it done before, which makes me a little nervous. ?

These 2 I finished a little while ago

Finished up the rest of the boards I had started. Waiting for some more cash flow to buy the enclosures and some more jack sockets!
Waiting to be boxed:
Deep Blue Delay - Really like this delay, sounds pretty decent. Would love to add a tap tempo to it, will have to save for that add on.
Wampler Ecstasy - Pretty versatile, can get quite dirty.
Lovepedal Amp 11 - I built this one without the boost. It's a great sounding overdrive.
Reverb - Made a reverb type pedal. Just used a delay circuit, but shortened the tails so it's a knock off reverb type sound. Not amazing, but it'll work till i can buy my Big Sky! ?
Fuzz Factory - LOVE this pedal. Will be boxed first as it just has so many crazy possibilities.
Emdrive - SUPER simple design, but has a great tone.
AC Xotic Booster - It works. Didn't really play on it much.
Tremulus Lune Tremolo - Really like this too. Would be great if it could be tap tempo'd, but will build a tap tempo tremolo later, if I ever need one.
DIY JFET booster - Just a simple booster pedal with a JFET, sounds pretty good.
Got a half built amp. Not sure how this will end up, not tried an amp circuit before. So, thought I'd give it a go on solder pins. That's at the back with veroboard with the copper removed. Any problem in trying this? Not seen it done before, which makes me a little nervous. ?

These 2 I finished a little while ago