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So, after a few household chores I had to help my wife with (been married 3 weeks and already she's got me wrapped around her finger, slippery slope ?), I had some time to play DIY with some half built pedals. I had to drown my sorrows of not being able to spend any money at the Coastals Annual sale. :'(

Finished up the rest of the boards I had started. Waiting for some more cash flow to buy the enclosures and some more jack sockets!

Waiting to be boxed:
Deep Blue Delay - Really like this delay, sounds pretty decent. Would love to add a tap tempo to it, will have to save for that add on.
Wampler Ecstasy - Pretty versatile, can get quite dirty.
Lovepedal Amp 11 - I built this one without the boost. It's a great sounding overdrive.
Reverb - Made a reverb type pedal. Just used a delay circuit, but shortened the tails so it's a knock off reverb type sound. Not amazing, but it'll work till i can buy my Big Sky! ?
Fuzz Factory - LOVE this pedal. Will be boxed first as it just has so many crazy possibilities.
Emdrive - SUPER simple design, but has a great tone.
AC Xotic Booster - It works. Didn't really play on it much.
Tremulus Lune Tremolo - Really like this too. Would be great if it could be tap tempo'd, but will build a tap tempo tremolo later, if I ever need one.
DIY JFET booster - Just a simple booster pedal with a JFET, sounds pretty good.

Got a half built amp. Not sure how this will end up, not tried an amp circuit before. So, thought I'd give it a go on solder pins. That's at the back with veroboard with the copper removed. Any problem in trying this? Not seen it done before, which makes me a little nervous. ?

These 2 I finished a little while ago
    Cool ? Post an update when you get them all boxed up.

    No advice on the vero though...
      a month later
      2 months later
      Got 2 pedals finished up. I'm waiting for knobs from China, but waiting to see if our post office decides to re-open before I order anything. haha, so the knobs are just so I can see where the levels are at for now.

      I've learnt so much already, which was my goal all along. I learnt that fitting a battery in the fuzz was a bad idea, because my footswitch ended up too close to the knobs, but it is still useable and works fine. Also learnt that with decals, need to account for knob size. Haha... All a part of the learning process.

      The delay is pretty cool, but would be great to have a tap tempo. So, I'll be looking at getting a tap tempo switch mod for it, think it'll make it more useful.

      And, because building pedals got lonely, I made myself some jam buddies ?

      And my next builds:

      Decided to try doing my own PCBs. They seem to come out okay. Not 100%, but good for a first run. Did 7 different pedal pcbs trying different transfer methods and etching methods. Think I found a way that'll work for me.
        Great stuff! I wish I had these kinds of super powers! ?

        With regards to the Lovepedal Amp11, I believe an Amp 11 without the boost is actually an OD11. I think they both have the same circuit apart from the boost. I love my OD11!

          Nice work on the pedals!!!
          darnoldi wrote: Loving the jam buddies! ?
          Is that a nano block creature in the back?

          My nanostrat:
            Niiiice! :applause: :applause:
              warrenpridgeon wrote:
              Is that a nano block creature in the back?

              Haha, yeah it is. When I worked for Nat Geo, i got quite into hippo's, so this is my lil hippo. ?

              I couldn't see your pic for some reason?
                Can you see it now? I tried to store images on my google drive... moved them to tinypic now.
                  warrenpridgeon wrote: Can you see it now? I tried to store images on my google drive... moved them to tinypic now.
                  Yip! That strat is awesome! ?
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