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Hey everyone

I've been listening to music and reading up on guitars and one that particularly caught my attention was the Yamaha SG guitar. I have never played one but they seem pretty decent. Carlos Santana played one some time back too. Can anyone tell me more about these guitars?

I also can't seem to be able to find one second hand anywhere, are they particularly rare?

    absolutely yes.... they float around 2nd hand anywhere from 2 K to 5 K but build quality is superb if it's on old one ....always check in with ronnie at all bang and strummit.... he gets a few of those in from time to time ....
      Excellent guitars the SGs. The older SG2000 is a classic - one of the best electrics ever to come from Japan, IMO. If you like the SG double-cut shape, but prefer a more hefty, almost Les Paul type guitar the Yamaha SGs are well worth looking at.

      They are not as common as Strats, Teles, Les Pauls and the like, but they do pop up a couple or three times a year. There are also more modern versions, which tend to be made a bit cheaper

      Also keep an eye out for the Ibanez Artists - quite similar and also excellent guitars. I prefer them as they don't have the brass sustain block in the body under the bridge like the Yamaha. They also have more modern, less expensive variants for those on a budget.
        I think Lovemore music should be able to help you...
        And if its good enough for PhilX then its good enough for anyone!
          Really nice guitars, definitely in the LP weight class. My LGS has a gold top & a black one (like the LP Custom) up for grabs, but they're brand new and priced accordingly.

          I agree with Alan on the Ibanez Artists. A friend of mine picked up a '70s example for relatively peanuts thanks to their obscurity to most modern players. Quality build, a little headstock heavy I thought but nothing you can't live with, and that double 'bucker sound with its own flavour.
            There's a guy currently trying to get R26k for his SG2000! Reckons their last retail price was R69k! So should you decide to look for one, try and have a good idea of a reasonable price, as some people do try and get 'good money for old rope' as they say!

              Big G wrote: There's a guy currently trying to get R26k for his SG2000! Reckons their last retail price was R69k! So should you decide to look for one, try and have a good idea of a reasonable price, as some people do try and get 'good money for old rope' as they say!

              Saw that, crazy.
                I had a Yamaha SG (200, I think). It was made in 1986, and was pearl white. Cool looking guitar, sounded great (slightly thin neck for my liking), but was unbelievably uncomfortable to play, especially when sitting down.

                Would love to get one of the high end models (SG 2000 etc). They're really fantastically made instruments. Plus, they look cool.
                  Big G wrote: There's a guy currently trying to get R26k for his SG2000! Reckons their last retail price was R69k! So should you decide to look for one, try and have a good idea of a reasonable price, as some people do try and get 'good money for old rope' as they say!

                  W O W . . . here can *I* get some of those drugs ?
                    Unless I'm mistaken, the local guys are selling theirs for around R15K and that's brand new.
                      Banditman wrote: Unless I'm mistaken, the local guys are selling theirs for around R15K and that's brand new.
                      And there is a secret.
                      They WILL with argue you that the older, late 70's/early 80's, models are superior in every way, blah, blah, blah.
                        Thanks for all the information guys, I will keep my eyes peeled for one of these. Unfortunately my budget isn't too large but this is definitely an instrument I'd like in my collection.

                        I'll look around, maybe I'll find one through some pawnshop hopping, who knows.
                          As mentioned above keep your eye's out for older mij ibanez artist or musician too.
                            Cash Converters Cape Gate (in the Value Centre across the road) has a really decent Ephiphone SG for 2999. It's been there a while, so you can probably knock it down a couple of hundred.
                              Alas.. an epi sg in no way resembles the yamaha sg. Very different looks and feel.

                              Plus 1 on old artists
                                5 days later
                                Crap!!! Emailed the guy and he said it's sold. Too bad though, I suppose I'll have to rely on luck or something. Maybe I'll find one in a pawnshop somewhere.
                                  For R1000 don't even hesitate...
                                  Even if it's useless and ends up hanging on the wall as a decoration it'll be munny well spent. 8)
                                    Haha yeah man. I'm pretty sad I missed out on such a sweet deal. I'll keep my eyes open, really really keen on getting this SG!
                                      There's an SG1000 for sale on the SA Music Store Facebook page

                                      Make the guy an offer?
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