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Hi everyone,

Probably not the most interesting topic to everyone, but I'd like to hear what people think of the Ibanez MTM range guitars. All opinions on Slipknot and Mick Thompson aside; this is purely about the guitars. What do you think? If you own one, what has your experience been? I don't own one of them, but I definitely hope to acquire one sometime in the future.

Thanks and regards!
    My 2 cents. I think they are awesome, although I'm not too crazy about the current Mick Thompson sig's. The MTM1 is a great guitar. Nice pups and the bridges on these things are great. Personally, I'd go for the MTM2. Cheaper than the MTM1 and changing pups should be a breeze. Also that blank fretboard is sexy.

      ^^^^MTM2 for me as well. I like the look of the non-branded guitar as well. I played a MTM1 a few times while I was trying to make up my mind about them and just couldn't commit to that kind of coin and I wasn't 100% happy with the EMG's as its safe to say that actives aren't all that to me anymore.

      MTM2 with a good pup/ electric upgrade and you can call the job a done one.
        Thanks a lot guys. I've googled the MTM1 and MTM2 so many times, been on just about all the international forums and out of all that's been said out there, you guys have made the most sense. My first choice would actually be the MTM2 for those reasons listed. I thought "how much better can the MTM1 possibly be if I could get some D Activators or Blackouts with that price difference?" Obviously build quality is a factor, but I doubt the MTM2 is a dinky toy.

        If anyone knows of someone who wants to sell either their MTM1 or MTM2, please don't hesitate to shout. I appreciate the feedback. Any further experiences, please do share!
          I'm lazy and don't feel like looking up which is the more expensive, but I've played on both many times.

          The more expensive one was cool, but that fretboard inlay is stupid, and the back of the neck was painted which I despise, it is a set-neck though which is something you either like or you don't. The thing that really naffed me about it was the fact that at that price it didn't come with a case or a bag, just a cardboard box.

          The cheaper one is bolt on, and has some stunningly shit pickups in it, but other than that is a pretty solid bed for hot rodding. I personally prefer bolt on so I guess this one wins here in my book.

          It's also worth noting that this is one of the very few RG shapes that is mahogany (if that kind of thing matters to you) ?
            Thanks Chad! Yeah, that's one of my reasons for wanting to buy this guitar; the mahogany body. I've heard mixed reviews about the pickups that come in some of them. For instance, the MTM2 (cheaper, no seven inlay version) models that were released between 2007 - 2010 came with the Ibanez V7 and V8 combo pickups...so to my thinking, I'd say those are pretty crap, but then again, thats just because my first guitar was the typical RG370DX and those pickups pretty much stink. The MTM2 models released between 2010 - 2012 came with Duncan Designed HB-105s. To my thinking, those should be a bit better than the Ibanez ones, but I haven't actually heard the comparison, so I don't actually know.

            Ola Englund swears his 2007 - 2010(Ibanez pickups) black MTM2 smokes his newer white 2011 MTM2(Duncans) by a long way. ???Either way, from what I've heard, both sets of pickups are really nothing great. So if I got one, I'd probably swap them out for proper Blackouts/D Activators.
              MREls wrote: Hi everyone,

              Probably not the most interesting topic to everyone, but I'd like to hear what people think of the Ibanez MTM range guitars. All opinions on Slipknot and Mick Thompson aside; this is purely about the guitars. What do you think? If you own one, what has your experience been? I don't own one of them, but I definitely hope to acquire one sometime in the future.

              Thanks and regards!

              I have a Jem seafoam green, but have full confidence in ibanez
                knock him up for R2800 and then settle at R3000/ R3100. The case (hopefully its the moulded one) is worth about R1000 on it's own.
                  14 days later
                  Hey guys,

                  Just thought I'd say thanks for all the help and replies with the MTM2!
                  However, for those of you that are interested, I actually ended up getting something quite different; the Ibanez K-7.
                  In truth, I haven't played that many guitars, but this is the best guitar I've ever played.

                  I wanted to post a pic or two of my new axe, but can't figure out how to do it when posting!
                  There's an icon that says "Insert Picture" but all that does is type out the word "[img]...no image uploader, nothing? Maybe I am stupid afterall! :applause:
                  In the mean time, any opinions on the K-7? ?
                    Thanks psyx! I guess reading really does work after all.
                    So, here are the fruits of my new found skill!
                    The Ibanez K-7 Blade Grey...

                      7 days later
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