Arno West wrote:
The name of the festival actually refers to the quality of the music being performed KKNK - KAK, KAK, en NOG KAK.
That describes the Afrikaans music scene in general. I was at the KKNK once. Worst 3 days of my life. I almost went for councelling afterwards.
Sadly, that was my experience as well. There were some good artists and shows on offer, but the majority of it seemed to be either the Big Names doing their best to kill their reputations or young and unknown hopefulls trying to break into the scene with dodgy dance moves and off key singing to backtracks. And the drunkards....bloody hell >☹ Don't get me started on the
manne who are apparently only there to drink themselves stupid and make a nuisance of themselves by being loud and obnoxious. Apparently you have to know where to go to catch the good stuff (of which there really is a lot of I hear) and which places to avoid, but we only stayed there one night on our way to holiday in Glentana and that one night was plenty enough for me to say never again.
BUT, if I was a performer and not a tourist I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to play there. A good gig or two there and who knows what doors might open for you. And even if they don't, you would have been paid to play music in front of people and that can never be a bad thing. So I say go for it!