Hey guys. The band that I've been playing in has been going through an 'unstable' patch recently and I'd really like some input from some of the more experienced guys.
It started off with myself and our singer + rhythm guitarist just jamming some Metallica songs at his workshop around May this year, but we always had the intention of becoming a gigging band, and a while later we asked a friend who had started bass a few months before May to join us. After that we added a drummer and in the past two months things have gotten more serious - we've started putting some of our own songs together and building up our repertoire, practicing everything and getting some decent equipment. We have some open mic experience and have gigs starting in three weeks. I'm really excited to play but at the same time I cringe at what's to come.
Here's the problem. Since we've started our bassist hasn't been pulling his weight at all. He is super lazy, doesn't learn or practice his parts (I've taught him some basic basslines that he could do so that he could at least play something with us, but he goes home, doesn't bother to write them down or practice them at all, forgets them, and comes back the next week and I have to reteach him. This happens all the time). His attitude is all wrong, we have about 10 songs that we always jam, but he takes no initiative in learning them, or doing anything at all. Basically we must either beg and babysit him, or nag him everyday to learn his bits.
Now before I go further I'm adding that he has been playing his instrument for less than the rest of us, so some of the things he does I don't bring up. Mind you, when I started guitar I sat for hours during my Christmas holidays with a classical guitar and tab until I could play Stairway to Heaven smoothly. Also, I made it absolutely clear to everyone what direction we were taking and that one day we were going to have to get really serious about the future of the band. I really thought that more of an effort would have been made - he does no afterschool activities at all, is going to bass lessons, but still doesn't know where G and D are on the fretboard :'( <---another thing I've begged him to learn, even if it's only every second note on one string! :'(
I'm feeling really demotivated at the moment - I hate arriving at practices knowing that there's going to be some shit excuse and that I'm going to have to count time for myself, the singer, and the bassist, and then write all the parts for the guitar, and then all the parts for the bassist. And remind him that he's playing the wrong part or that he's out of tune. Think of it like this: if I had four arms, I would be playing lead and rhythm guitar with two, and bass guitar with the other two.
Let me give you an example of said lazyness: when our drummer joined us we decided to add Californication to our list and everyone went to go learn their parts. The three of us had our parts down in a week, but we could only add the bass guitar in 4 months later - and this is no exaggeration.
What's more, our bass player will be leaving the day after our second gig (29 November) which means we will have no bassist for the entire holiday - for which we've been to practicing hard to get as many gigs as possible.
There is one more thing I'll mention - we've been considering some names for the band - long story short - we had 40 minutes before school to decide on a band name. Both the bassist and myself were sick at the time; I came to school for the morning to decide with the singer. Our bassist didn't come to school that day and left it up all up to myself and the singer - when we asked for suggestions and ideas over Whatsapp we got no help at all. He was sick - so was I - but this is probably the thing that has got to me most.
I'm tight with our drummer and singer, and I want this to work, but I can't help but feel our bassist is 'riding the fame' if you know what I'm trying to say? :/
I'd really appreciate some thoughts on this matter. It was a long read, and I'm very grateful for any thoughts ?
It started off with myself and our singer + rhythm guitarist just jamming some Metallica songs at his workshop around May this year, but we always had the intention of becoming a gigging band, and a while later we asked a friend who had started bass a few months before May to join us. After that we added a drummer and in the past two months things have gotten more serious - we've started putting some of our own songs together and building up our repertoire, practicing everything and getting some decent equipment. We have some open mic experience and have gigs starting in three weeks. I'm really excited to play but at the same time I cringe at what's to come.
Here's the problem. Since we've started our bassist hasn't been pulling his weight at all. He is super lazy, doesn't learn or practice his parts (I've taught him some basic basslines that he could do so that he could at least play something with us, but he goes home, doesn't bother to write them down or practice them at all, forgets them, and comes back the next week and I have to reteach him. This happens all the time). His attitude is all wrong, we have about 10 songs that we always jam, but he takes no initiative in learning them, or doing anything at all. Basically we must either beg and babysit him, or nag him everyday to learn his bits.
Now before I go further I'm adding that he has been playing his instrument for less than the rest of us, so some of the things he does I don't bring up. Mind you, when I started guitar I sat for hours during my Christmas holidays with a classical guitar and tab until I could play Stairway to Heaven smoothly. Also, I made it absolutely clear to everyone what direction we were taking and that one day we were going to have to get really serious about the future of the band. I really thought that more of an effort would have been made - he does no afterschool activities at all, is going to bass lessons, but still doesn't know where G and D are on the fretboard :'( <---another thing I've begged him to learn, even if it's only every second note on one string! :'(
I'm feeling really demotivated at the moment - I hate arriving at practices knowing that there's going to be some shit excuse and that I'm going to have to count time for myself, the singer, and the bassist, and then write all the parts for the guitar, and then all the parts for the bassist. And remind him that he's playing the wrong part or that he's out of tune. Think of it like this: if I had four arms, I would be playing lead and rhythm guitar with two, and bass guitar with the other two.
Let me give you an example of said lazyness: when our drummer joined us we decided to add Californication to our list and everyone went to go learn their parts. The three of us had our parts down in a week, but we could only add the bass guitar in 4 months later - and this is no exaggeration.
What's more, our bass player will be leaving the day after our second gig (29 November) which means we will have no bassist for the entire holiday - for which we've been to practicing hard to get as many gigs as possible.
There is one more thing I'll mention - we've been considering some names for the band - long story short - we had 40 minutes before school to decide on a band name. Both the bassist and myself were sick at the time; I came to school for the morning to decide with the singer. Our bassist didn't come to school that day and left it up all up to myself and the singer - when we asked for suggestions and ideas over Whatsapp we got no help at all. He was sick - so was I - but this is probably the thing that has got to me most.
I'm tight with our drummer and singer, and I want this to work, but I can't help but feel our bassist is 'riding the fame' if you know what I'm trying to say? :/
I'd really appreciate some thoughts on this matter. It was a long read, and I'm very grateful for any thoughts ?