So, in a fit 6V6 fueled ire, I've ripped apart my Mark Huss plexi 6V6 down to bare aluminium. Something in the overdrive character was bugging me, and frankly there was too much going on inside the amp with fixed bias VVR (not quite as effective as the cathode bias version, plus I prefer PI/PA to whole amp scaled), FX loop - not much use when the power tubes are part of the drive sound. Couldn't use it as a volume boost for solos. etc etc etc.
A few weeks back I'd taken the FX loop out of the plexi preamp in to the input of the 18 watter. Suddenly the feel and breakup I was looking for came right. And with the PI/PA VVR it was achievable it bedroom level as well as being able irritate, i mean keep up with, the drummer. I wanted a plexi style pre with cathode bias EL84 power amps section, plus the sag of the EZ81.
But this presented a problem, as my PT was too high for EL84s, and I'd drilled out the power tube holes for 8 pin. THe first problem was easliy solved, just put the orginal 18 watt style PT back in. Then folks over at case connection fabricated a blanking plate for 2x 9 pin for me.
After some back and forth, I settled on a design. The Trinity Plexi II, which takes the 18 watt TMB platform and mixes in a few tweaks from the '68 plexi. High gain but very little bass in the pre, with a big coupling caps in the power amp. Phase inverter section toned down a bit in comparison with the standard 18 watter due the higher gain preceding it.
Build will have PI/PA VVR, EZ81 rectifier and sozo caps where space allows. Not that I'm entirely convinced they're any better than Mallory or Vishay. Here's the progress so far:
Blanking plate
PT and EZ81 base installed
Whole Chassis
Heaters wired up
PT and OT half wired
Board layout
Staking in progress
Turret Board
Testing component fit
That's it for now. More tonight/tomorrow.