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Daniel Stuart wrote: I'm tired of arguing with people about this. Its easy for you people to criticize my choice. I have nothing in this country. I don't have a job. I don't have a family to support. This is my choice and that is final. I might just end up being a band guy in the navy or a chef. I haven't gotten into the rmc yet. So don't know why you people are up in arms. I thank you guys for caring about me.
Not me... don't own any weapons.... yet.

This is my choice and that is final: Yes Sir. My apologies sir. Tickle yr scrotum sir?

I'm tired of arguing with people about this: No argument. Just possibilities. Will probably never happen. Might be worse though... you might have to defend the French or something.... they're quite good at submission though so it may only be a detour.

And I have been treating like shit all my life by people. Even sometimes by the people I thought cared about me.:
Yes, that sux. I'm sorry you were the only one in the world this happened to. The better hick mentality is to get a gun and you're sorted. Just kidding... no I'm not. Just kidding... no I'm not.
... Just kidding.
    • [deleted]

    Really?! Guitarforum?

    Hope you are a moer of a tough guy. I have a good friend serving in afghanistan, exactly where you'll probably end up.
    You think life is tough sitting here in SA smoking some pot, playing 5 string guitars, getting picked on?
    I can see you think its pretty cool, and hardcore to fight in a war, here is a surprise; its not...

    All I can say is good luck, you in for one hell of a trip.
    Mentally, physically and emotionally.

    Take a big spoon of cement before you go ?
      Daniel Stuart wrote: I'm tired of arguing with people about this. Its easy for you people to criticize my choice. I have nothing in this country. I don't have a job. I don't have a family to support. This is my choice and that is final. I might just end up being a band guy in the navy or a chef. I haven't gotten into the rmc yet. So don't know why you people are up in arms. I thank you guys for caring about me.
      And I have been treating like shit all my life by people. Even sometimes by the people I thought cared about me.
      Daniel I've got nothing against you going to the military, I think that structure would be good for you and give you direction, our concern for you (and I'm sure I speak for many GFSA members) is a very complicated and nasty war. If you can work yourself into the band or a chef, then Godspeed my friend, it's your life and you should do what you need to do.

      P.S.If you can read music, even at a basic level (so start learning if you don't), that would help get you into a military band.
        Joining an army is not a problem. But what I think is that whatever people will tell you, armies are there to either defend or promote ideology. Religious or political. And wealth is included as an ideology because it is the most powerful religion in the world. So the thing is that you should do is to inspect the ideology that you will be defending or promoting. And if after inspection, you think that you dig it, then you can go and shoot the opponents of the ideology. That's fine because that's the human way. But do it before you go because within a week or two of arriving at your training you will "know" that what you are doing is most definitely very important for freedom and peace and all. And dont let people here tell you what is right or what is wrong because you find a lot of wannabee hippies and ducktails playing guitars and they are just too clever.

        And all this talk here that you must be careful of the zol and get away from it quick is just the same as all this romantic talk about how you are going to be so fucked up in the army and need to see therapists and all. There may just be times when making a skyf will level you out a lot more than going to talk to a textbook therapist or someone. That is if you ever arrive at that eventuality.
          Ray wrote: Joining an army is not a problem. But what I think is that whatever people will tell you, armies are there to either defend or promote ideology. Religious or political. And wealth is included as an ideology because it is the most powerful religion in the world. So the thing is that you should do is to inspect the ideology that you will be defending or promoting. And if after inspection, you think that you dig it, then you can go and shoot the opponents of the ideology. That's fine because that's the human way. But do it before you go because within a week or two of arriving at your training you will "know" that what you are doing is most definitely very important for freedom and peace and all. And dont let people here tell you what is right or what is wrong because you find a lot of wannabee hippies and ducktails playing guitars and they are just too clever.

          And all this talk here that you must be careful of the zol and get away from it quick is just the same as all this romantic talk about how you are going to be so fucked up in the army and need to see therapists and all. There may just be times when making a skyf will level you out a lot more than going to talk to a textbook therapist or someone. That is if you ever arrive at that eventuality.
          Ray: You have some special skills.
            Daniel I did my time way back when people played guitars and drummers were actual people. When I reflect upon my life the 3 years in the bush was a great time, not all the aspects, but generally a good time. You will learn a great deal in the army but the most important thing is you will learn about yourself. There few careers I can think of that give you a wider exposure to so much than the military. Do yourself a favor, if you are adamant that this is what you want to do, DONT waste it. Become all you can become, be the best at whatever you do. Try and get into officer's school.

            You will have more opportunities than you can ever imagine, more toys than you could ever get tired of playing with. More buddies than you will ever need. The military is not about killing people it is about protecting. I leave you with this parting thought. Every morning before starting a patrol I used to tell my guys, " Remember guys forget that shit about dying for your country let the other mother die for his." referring to the enemy.

            Have fun and good luck.
              It is an adventure ......DO IT , enjoy, do the af kak, specialize, mix with different cultures, travel the world, take out of the experience what works for you

              If you talk to grey haired folks in white coats, they will tell you about the various phases of the the ones life, they will also tell that the only way to grow is to make REAL changes in your habit to break the "drone like" 8-5 existence.

              This is one of them for you to establish YOUR purpose in life. hey and if it happens to be a hilltop sniper .......its your life

                Ok... so he is dead set on going...

                Can we get back to guitars now?
                  Ray wrote:

                  And all this talk here that you must be careful of the zol and get away from it quick is just the same as all this romantic talk about how you are going to be so fucked up in the army and need to see therapists and all. There may just be times when making a skyf will level you out a lot more than going to talk to a textbook therapist or someone. That is if you ever arrive at that eventuality.
                  I would also be rather surprised to find out there were not at least another 10 regular folks on this forum who also partook in this habit on the regular.

                  Anyway,forget guitars Warren, I wanna hear more about "my friends sister" ?
                  Tho, if she's concerned about your well being (Daniel now, not you Warren ? ) can we not promote her to "friend" too?
                    Dan, 1 thing.......today it seems to be the in thing with the youth (thanks to forums and fb and twatthead etc etc), to share everything that's going on in their lives. Going on a public forum and looking for advise/ approval or support from strangers isn't the way to go in my books. At the end of the day, this is your decision, your life and pretty much has stuff all to do with anyone else but yourself. To me it sounds as if you're trying to justify this to yourself more than anything.

                    Here's some tough love bud......suck it up..........people in here are giving their 0.02c worth and if you can't take that, then you sure as hell aint cut out for the army.
                      Sorry guys. I'm going cold turkey for a bit. So a bit irritated. been a week since I haven't touched the herb.
                        Daniel Stuart wrote: Sorry guys. I'm going cold turkey for a bit. So a bit irritated. been a week since I haven't touched the herb.
                        Good luck dude, hope you are succesful and find what you are looking for.

                        Some tips though:
                        1. Being addicted to weed is not a very good way to start your career - better not touch that stuff (or any other drugs) ever again. You say in earlier posts you are strong willed. Prove it.
                        2. You need to work on your fitnes A LOT if you puked after only a 4km run.

                        Form here: http://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/Careers/How-to-Join/Get-fit-to-join

                        You will have to complete two 2.4km runs (1.5 miles) each with the treadmill set at a 2% incline. To pass you will need to do the first run in under 12 minutes 30 seconds. Then complete the second 2.4km run immediately afterwards in less than 10 minutes – regardless of your age.

                        That is 2.4km x 2 = 4.8km, with the second run much faster than the first.

                        This is the Royal Marines Pre Joining Fitness Test - be sure you can do it !!!

                        Now back to guitars ......
                          Codex7 wrote: Some tips though:
                          1. Being addicted to weed is not a very good way to start your career - better not touch that stuff (or any other drugs) ever again. You say in earlier posts you are strong willed. Prove it.
                          2. You need to work on your fitnes A LOT if you puked after only a 4km run.
                          I believe one of these statements is undoubtedly true, whilst the other is probably not.
                          Can anybody guess which is which? ?
                            I'm going with.............
                            Codex7 wrote: Some tips though:
                              Joe Moore wrote:
                              Heres a fitness plan for yer :

                              Join Royal Marines.
                              Get caught with weed.
                              Get sentenced to DB.
                              Get superfit whilst serving sentence. ?

                              Making me sound like a huge addict lol. But I won't smoke it anymore don't want to anyway. Been around since I stopped and havent had that urge you know.
                              And as being caught with weed my dad was when he was in the sa army ?
                                Daniel, you know that weed has no addictive properties? Essentially the psychological response you're feeling is the same as a kid that's not allowed to play with his toy. Even chocolate is more addictive than weed.

                                Also, puking from exercising is more an indication of inadequate nutrition (Blood sugar crashing too quickly if I remember correctly) than solely being unfit. Stop talking shit on this forum, eat an apple, and get back to training. The fitter you are going in, the easier it's going to be. If you can't run anymore, walk until you're able to run again (Take it from a fatty that hates running but forced himself to, it's the best way to increase your distance).

                                @Joel, Hahahahahhh!!!! Maybe then he can play the jailhouse blues?
                                  • [deleted]

                                  haha Mike you win...

                                  Right, back to guitars...