Not me... don't own any weapons.... yet.Daniel Stuart wrote: I'm tired of arguing with people about this. Its easy for you people to criticize my choice. I have nothing in this country. I don't have a job. I don't have a family to support. This is my choice and that is final. I might just end up being a band guy in the navy or a chef. I haven't gotten into the rmc yet. So don't know why you people are up in arms. I thank you guys for caring about me.
This is my choice and that is final: Yes Sir. My apologies sir. Tickle yr scrotum sir?
I'm tired of arguing with people about this: No argument. Just possibilities. Will probably never happen. Might be worse though... you might have to defend the French or something.... they're quite good at submission though so it may only be a detour.
And I have been treating like shit all my life by people. Even sometimes by the people I thought cared about me.:
Yes, that sux. I'm sorry you were the only one in the world this happened to. The better hick mentality is to get a gun and you're sorted. Just kidding... no I'm not. Just kidding... no I'm not.
... Just kidding.