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  • Aug 26, 2013
  • Joined Sep 14, 2009
  • Joe Moore wrote:
    Heres a fitness plan for yer :

    Join Royal Marines.
    Get caught with weed.
    Get sentenced to DB.
    Get superfit whilst serving sentence. ?

    Making me sound like a huge addict lol. But I won't smoke it anymore don't want to anyway. Been around since I stopped and havent had that urge you know.
    And as being caught with weed my dad was when he was in the sa army ?
    • Sorry guys. I'm going cold turkey for a bit. So a bit irritated. been a week since I haven't touched the herb.
      • I'm tired of arguing with people about this. Its easy for you people to criticize my choice. I have nothing in this country. I don't have a job. I don't have a family to support. This is my choice and that is final. I might just end up being a band guy in the navy or a chef. I haven't gotten into the rmc yet. So don't know why you people are up in arms. I thank you guys for caring about me.

        And I have been treating like shit all my life by people. Even sometimes by the people I thought cared about me.
        • Chabenda wrote:
          Daniel Stuart wrote:
          Julian Emdon (LooneyAtTheGate) wrote: Your life needs direction? Your life will be in the hands of people who will point you in the wriong direction..

          You're better off with a good bankie and some Battlefield / COD, thats what those games are for - taking war out of reality and into a virtual world. I don't know how anyone who watches vids of the Syrian war can think its romantic!
          There's got to be something else you can do...
          I don't think its romantic. Some people are meant to join the army. I have it in my blood.
          That's not what a blood test would reveal ?

          Eish....I surrender ☹
          No but the americans will say they found weapons of mass destruction in my blood ?
          • Julian Emdon (LooneyAtTheGate) wrote: Your life needs direction? Your life will be in the hands of people who will point you in the wriong direction..

            You're better off with a good bankie and some Battlefield / COD, thats what those games are for - taking war out of reality and into a virtual world. I don't know how anyone who watches vids of the Syrian war can think its romantic!
            There's got to be something else you can do...
            I don't think its romantic. Some people are meant to join the army. I have it in my blood.
            • Tokai SA wrote:
              Daniel Stuart wrote: Look now I am getting annoyed. It wasn't the spur of the moment thing. I have been thinking about it for a long time now. I know plenty about the war and about a soldiers life in the middle east. I know there is a chance I might die but there is always a chance especially in this country you might die even more of a horrible death.

              I wasn't stoned when I decided to do this. I am battling to get another job here. I don't want to work my ass off and never see whats out there.

              I had my friends sister beg me not to go. I've had friends beg me. I know its not a game. I know its shit. I might end up shooting a kid and have to live with that. I might have my friends die in front of me. I could be lying in the dirt bleeding to death. But I have the warriors spirit. An office job scares the crap out of me. A job where you get up everyday drive to work doesn't appeal to me. It depresses me. I don't fit in with the civi world. I might just excel at this. Might open a lot of doors for me.

              I spoke to an ex us marine tonight. He said if it wasn't for the army he would have nothing. and that hit close to home. Jobs are hard to get in this economy. And I will be earning a lot per year. More than I would at a normal job.

              I thought about it extensively. I made up my mind. War is shit I know. But this is something I really want to do. Hardest choice in my life to make.

              And thats all I am going to say now.

              On a side note. Discovery doesn't show you the true horror of war. I have seen the true face of war and the stuff you see on tv is very censored. You can see real footage on youtube. Go look for syrian vids.
              Well, if you've made your mind up then go for it with all your passion and you'll succeed...don't procrastinate, do it today.

              All the best.
              Thanks man sorry I had a rant. I already have a sponsor and my passport I am waiting on 3 weeks. I phoned them and Its on the move. This is what I think I will be good at.
              • Ray wrote: Why dont you join the army here?
                nah its not what it use to be and besides I don't get along to well with afrikaans chaps. Besides I'm looking to stay in england anyway.

                @wizard yip car accidents and suicides are the main causes of death.
                • Look now I am getting annoyed. It wasn't the spur of the moment thing. I have been thinking about it for a long time now. I know plenty about the war and about a soldiers life in the middle east. I know there is a chance I might die but there is always a chance especially in this country you might die even more of a horrible death.

                  I wasn't stoned when I decided to do this. I am battling to get another job here. I don't want to work my ass off and never see whats out there.

                  I had my friends sister beg me not to go. I've had friends beg me. I know its not a game. I know its shit. I might end up shooting a kid and have to live with that. I might have my friends die in front of me. I could be lying in the dirt bleeding to death. But I have the warriors spirit. An office job scares the crap out of me. A job where you get up everyday drive to work doesn't appeal to me. It depresses me. I don't fit in with the civi world. I might just excel at this. Might open a lot of doors for me.

                  I spoke to an ex us marine tonight. He said if it wasn't for the army he would have nothing. and that hit close to home. Jobs are hard to get in this economy. And I will be earning a lot per year. More than I would at a normal job.

                  I thought about it extensively. I made up my mind. War is shit I know. But this is something I really want to do. Hardest choice in my life to make.

                  And thats all I am going to say now.

                  On a side note. Discovery doesn't show you the true horror of war. I have seen the true face of war and the stuff you see on tv is very censored. You can see real footage on youtube. Go look for syrian vids.
                  • Shibbibilybob wrote:
                    Daniel Stuart wrote:
                    Yip. A week ago I was battling with addiction(weed) And it took all my motivation away.
                    This part makes little sense to me. A week is a very very short period of time.
                    No no a week ago I gave it up. Just saying a week ago I was still on it ? I was smoking everyday since end of feb. I would wake up feeling stoned.

                    • ShreddySmurf wrote:
                      flatfourfan wrote:

                      I think that is full loaded and kitted out.

                      We used to do 5km fully loaded in under 25min on a bad day. *caffs, when I wasn't so fat*

                      Just checked online quick. Look here https://pdevportal.co.uk/assets/upload/ckfiles/kayak/files/RM_Fitness_Tests.pdf

                      So there is a BFT (Basic Fitness Test) which is what Daniel was talking about, and it doesn't involve any load. Doesn't look too tough. In fact, none of the stuff in there looks particularly challenging for the average oke who is in reasonable shape...

                      Interesting stuff. Now I need to get back to work! ?
                      Exactly. I might end up joining the royal navy first and go from there. Just want to find out which is easier to get a foot hold there.
                      • Giggsy wrote:
                        Daniel Stuart wrote: I will. As for the physical training I love pushing myself like that. I ran 4kms the other day threw up but I felt good afterwards.
                        I think 4kms would be the warm-up. At 3am. Through mud with 25kgs on your back.
                        Yip I know. But you need to run 1.4km in 12 minutes and straight after that you need to run 2.4km in 20 I think.
                        • I will. As for the physical training I love pushing myself like that. I ran 4kms the other day threw up but I felt good afterwards.
                          • flatfourfan wrote: ^^^^ like I said..........a lot of laaaities got direction from it. If you're not one of them, so be it.

                            Yip. A week ago I was battling with addiction(weed) And it took all my motivation away. I can't get a job in this country that I want to do. And Going to england will be such an opportunity. My goal is the sas in a few years time then after that a high profile body guard.

                            I will be earning pounds and I worked it out I will earn R200 000 a year after 5 I will have close to a million. You don't have to pay for food or shelter in the army so I will be saving most of my money.
                            • :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

                              You guys crack me up.
                              • No I am not interested in the sa army. I want out this country. Even if I only do the army for a couple of years then I can try a music career in england.

                                Its a big step but I need to do this.

                                My friends sister is angry at me. She doesn't want me to go.
                                • I have don't worry. I'm not afraid of death. There is more chance of you dying in a car than in the warzone. You can die anytime in the civilian world.
                                  And as for killing Its not nice but its part of the job. Mentally I am strong. I have been through a lot that would drive a lot of people to drugs or suicide.

                                  I am a strong willed person. I have been thinking about it for atleast since I was 18.
                                  • IceCreamMan wrote:
                                    singemonkey wrote: But still bear Reinhard's advice in mind. There are a lot of injuries in any basic training program.
                                    Any injury an they ship you out home an u need to reapply
                                    Yip I know. That is why I am training. I am going to do this. ?
                                    • Joe Moore wrote:
                                      Daniel Stuart wrote: hahaha well I have my own agenda with the military.
                                      Lol , Well don't tell them that just yet , ...... you'd want to spring that on them by surprise , .... when they're not looking hey !

                                      hahah ?

                                      As for the training I am following the royal marines training guide.
                                      • Don't worry jack. I will keep the forum updated on my movements.

                                        • ShreddySmurf wrote:
                                          Daniel Stuart wrote: Also this is my families bloody legacy lol. So badass
                                          It's somewhat disconcerting to see younger people referring to a WW2 battle as being from "Call of Duty" and referring to a "Crysis" in the Congo :roflmao:...
                                          thats a spelling error ? but As for the cod game I just made tat reference for mygaming ? just copy and paste.