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Codex7 wrote: Some tips though:
1. Being addicted to weed is not a very good way to start your career - better not touch that stuff (or any other drugs) ever again. You say in earlier posts you are strong willed. Prove it.
2. You need to work on your fitnes A LOT if you puked after only a 4km run.
I believe one of these statements is undoubtedly true, whilst the other is probably not.
Can anybody guess which is which? ?
    I'm going with.............
    Codex7 wrote: Some tips though:
      Joe Moore wrote:
      Heres a fitness plan for yer :

      Join Royal Marines.
      Get caught with weed.
      Get sentenced to DB.
      Get superfit whilst serving sentence. ?

      Making me sound like a huge addict lol. But I won't smoke it anymore don't want to anyway. Been around since I stopped and havent had that urge you know.
      And as being caught with weed my dad was when he was in the sa army ?
        Daniel, you know that weed has no addictive properties? Essentially the psychological response you're feeling is the same as a kid that's not allowed to play with his toy. Even chocolate is more addictive than weed.

        Also, puking from exercising is more an indication of inadequate nutrition (Blood sugar crashing too quickly if I remember correctly) than solely being unfit. Stop talking shit on this forum, eat an apple, and get back to training. The fitter you are going in, the easier it's going to be. If you can't run anymore, walk until you're able to run again (Take it from a fatty that hates running but forced himself to, it's the best way to increase your distance).

        @Joel, Hahahahahhh!!!! Maybe then he can play the jailhouse blues?
          • [deleted]

          haha Mike you win...

          Right, back to guitars...
            • [deleted]

            And if after inspection, you think that you dig it, then you can go and shoot the opponents of the ideology. That's fine because that's the human way.
            OMG..... guys, I'm an ALIEN!!! It all makes sense now.
              Confucius say:
              "War is not about who is right,
              It is about who is left."
                Confucius also says
                Man that goes to bed with itchy bum, wakes up with stinky finger
                    Dude. I hope you find all that you are searching for and come back more whole than your statements and sentiment reflect at this time... I do not necessarily support what you feel you need to pursue to be all you can be but I wish you all of the best nonetheless.
                    P.S. You'll need more than a week for brain functions to normalise after leaving the green. More like 4-6 weeks if a regular user, and no, the greens are not physically addictive, often just used as a crutch or blamed for underlying issues that need to be sorted out with a clear mind and/or professional help...

                    Best of luck with all your endeavours...
                      Come, on guys, I was enjoying the back and forth with you guys trying to convince Dan not to join up, 8 pages and we are done? Back to guitars already? I know there are some serious topics discussed here but am I the only one who sees the absurdity in all of this? Its like arguing about what to do with the winnings after winning the lotto when you haven't even bought the ticket yet. Thoroughly entertaining, at the very least, a certain, 34-page thread comes to mind.

                      I agree with one comment posted earlier: seeking counsel on such personal decisions in such a public manner is not really the "done" thing in my opinion, but I suppose it works for some people. I have no regrets in my life and I mostly put it down to the fact that every decision I made, good and bad, was my own and I learned and grew from it all. I feel like when you take to facebook, twitter or forums in order to convince yourself, you are giving up ownership of your self somehow.

                      For all we know Dan will not make it past the entrance test, not being pessimistic or anything, but there is a reason why not just anyone can make the cut. And I wonder what makes Dan think things will go easier for him as a musician in the UK? No matter where you are, there is no circumventing the hard work you need to put into making a success of anything, and there are other ways to get direction in life and see the world. (BTW, wasn't there mention of taking some work aboard a cruise ship in a earlier thread? Perhaps I am confusing threads). And even if you don't actively seek it out, life will sooner or later smack some maturity and sense into you, something will ALWAYS happen. Life works itself out like that oftentimes.

                        • [deleted]

                        I, for one, am with you about making your own decisions. My life should/ could have been a lot easier if I had taken other people's advice, but "no", gotta do it my way... hind sight is always 20/20, but mistakes should be fun at least.

                        I am going to speak up though, when I hear someone say that they're happy to lose their life. There are MUCH more fun ways to lose your life, and I will certainly try those if I have the good fortune to live up to about 80. Drag car racing comes to mind. I will also take so many drugs/ steroids, I won't know if I'm Arthur or Martha. Till then I'm going to hold tight though.

                        If you want to make money though, that's a different thing... -you can go be a game ranger (play with guns...?)
                        - become a Pretoria- metal - head porn star (I'm sure you have a market for that...hey?)
                        - take up salsa dancing and find a sugar mommy
                        - become a personal fitness trainer , or even better a Kung Fu instructor(you're keen on the fitness thing clearly)

                        So many many options.

                          Viccy wrote: - take up salsa dancing and find a sugar mommy
                          Hahaha, nice one ?
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