The "best" out there!
Everyone likes the stuff they use, but there must be some kind of margin to go to.
In your humble opinion, what's the best?
I'll start.
Over the years, a lot (nay, a shitload) overdrive and distortion pedals have made their way through my rig, and even up to one point I just gave up!
I just used my amps overdrive section (Fender Super Sonic).
But after a while as the gear bug bit, I decided to get rid of the useless pedals and get the ones I thought worthy, and the ones that made the cut was:
The MI Effects blue boy! Beautiful boutique pedal, with a sweet yet strikingly dangerous punch to it! It does more than you would expect it to do! It's an overdrive pedal that can easily take the job of a distortion pedal aswell (If you are not the most high gain player!)
Other than that, I use a TS-808 screamer, because it's just good, nothing more, nothing less, it's a good tone!
The Green Rhino, also a great pedal, has to go because I just don't have the need for 3 on there! (Selling if someone is interested)
Then for effects I use the Nova, and it's great! Especialy for a player like me that aren't really that big into effect, and if you just need one every now and then!
So tell me forum, what's THE "BEST"???
the "Best" Overdrive I have used, is the one that is still on my board now? That being a Fulltone Full drive 2, the anniversary edition with added mosfet drive and red finish.
That pedal is so beautiful, and goes so well with my Home Brew Electronics Uno Mos, which is one of the better boost/gain pedals I have used. It can sound fantastic, but the gain control is incredibly sensitive and you need to spend a good while finding the optimum settings. This lead to my former band-mates referring to it as my "louder than everyone else" pedal.
The Fulltone Full Drive 2 is a very very good pedal.
I especially love the boost side of that pedal.
For drive, you'll get almost as many answers as you have players. I like a transparent, low gain drive - something that just adds a bit 'o grit to the basic amp sound or kicks an alreaddy gritty amp up to the next level without changing the character. So for me, a Lovepedal OD11 is just the ticket.
Most other things TC Electronic do a good version of it, so I'm happy with a few units there, but wouldn't mind adding in an Eventide eclipse for some different flavour.
I've yet to find something that can kit my fulldrive 2 and timmy off my board.... BUT I still have a lot of pedals to go through! ?
Low gain: Barber LTD
Smooth: Lovepedal Kalamazoo
Fuzz / Dist: Blackouts Musket
Impossible to say which is the "best". The type of guitar, the type of pick ups, the type of amp, the style of play, the hardness of a pick will all affect the sound. I use a Boss OD-3 and a CS-3 Comp and nothing else. Would probably like a Volume pedal at some stage. The pedals mentioned in this post are all great in the right chain. Some are legends.
MikeM wrote:
Low gain: Barber LTD
Smooth: Lovepedal Kalamazoo
Fuzz / Dist: Blackouts Musket
I have a few likes when it comes to low gain settings/applications...Z Vex Box of Rock, Distortron, MI Tube Zone, Barber LTD, Lovepedal Amp 11..
For medium - high gain, i pick the Craig Amps Dual Drive.
The Okko Diablo is a fantastic OD pedal, superbly versatile. I use it for adding some grit to my cleans (it's almost always on) but I can stomp on the "+" for some wonderful gain tones. 8)
I adore my Strymon blusSky reverb... Initially it was all about the shimmer/octave effect, but I've relaxed with that. :-[ All the settings just sounds so good... A good dollop of spring reverb into my neck/middle position on my strat into my amp set clean and I can just doodle Slow Dancing in a Burning Room all day long.
Also, my Amp11 (set to low gain) together with my matta modded TS9 (set to medium gain) is a hard to beat combo... I've started gassing from a Walrus Audio Voyager, but it's not that bad... yet.
Yeah there are some great overdrive pedals out there! Maybe looking for a decent distortion pedal, hard to seperate the good from the complete and utter crap out there! Tried the TC electronics dark matter and the other one, just sounded like a bumped up Metalzone! Yet, there are still players that would gladly use one of these no go pedals (my humble opinion.)
So anyone recommend a great distortion pedal? MAybe the bogner pedals? Or something I'm not aware of?
Reinecke wrote:
Yeah there are some great overdrive pedals out there! Maybe looking for a decent distortion pedal, hard to seperate the good from the complete and utter crap out there! Tried the TC electronics dark matter and the other one, just sounded like a bumped up Metalzone! Yet, there are still players that would gladly use one of these no go pedals (my humble opinion.)
So anyone recommend a great distortion pedal? MAybe the bogner pedals? Or something I'm not aware of?
I am enjoying my Radial ToneBone Trimode at the moment...
MI Audio Crunch Box
Fulltone OCD
I would trust MI audio all the way! Seeing as I'm using the Blue boy, and it's really one of the best and most organic sounding pedals I've ever heard! And I've been through a shitload of pedals!
Same here. I'm a big fan of the MI Tube Zone which i gig with.
Yeah our other guitarist also uses the tube zone, very simular and still a mod of the TS808 just more versatile, these two are very close for me, comes down to personal taste I gues.
I'm using an EHX English Muff'n. I put a couple of Sylvannia NOS 12ay7's in it and it sounds very nice to me, also has an EQ on it so it's super versatile. Guess it's not technically a buffered overdrive or anything like a TS, but I dig it.
You can't go wrong with a tubescreamer! But if you go into the line of someone a little heavier, there's more bad than good, it's so hard to find something that gives you anough gain without taking away too much from your good tone, I've been struggling with this for very long, and at this point, I just push my amps and pedals hard enough so my valves can do this for me.
MI effects blue bot deluxe! amazing pedal
just got an MI effects megalith delta pedal- wow, its a killer!! high gain pedal but all the tone you could ask for.
uncle wrote:
MI effects blue bot deluxe! amazing pedal
just got an MI effects megalith delta pedal- wow, its a killer!! high gain pedal but all the tone you could ask for.
Really looking into the megalith aswell! Maybe just the one I need! Where did you get it and for how much?