I just loved this little gem that Facebook threw at me this morning. Based on certain pages that I like, it recommends to me other pages that I might also like.
So, based on the fact that I like Sting, it suggests that I might also like Vivaldi. Seems like a bit of a stretch (but I do happen to like Vivaldi so I'll let it slide)
Based on the fact that I like Diana Krall, it suggests that I might also like John Coltrane. OK, I guess that's perfectly reasonable.
Based on the fact that I like Animal Planet, it suggests that I might also like Nicki Minaj. BOOOOYAAAAA! I think that hits the nail right on the head ?

So, based on the fact that I like Sting, it suggests that I might also like Vivaldi. Seems like a bit of a stretch (but I do happen to like Vivaldi so I'll let it slide)
Based on the fact that I like Diana Krall, it suggests that I might also like John Coltrane. OK, I guess that's perfectly reasonable.
Based on the fact that I like Animal Planet, it suggests that I might also like Nicki Minaj. BOOOOYAAAAA! I think that hits the nail right on the head ?