Well, messed around a bit with guitar when I was young (half ton old now). My training is actually clarinet and cello but that is oh so long ago. Living out in Benoni and hitting the twilight years. I got this mid-life crisis thing and decided to get myself into some guitar stuff. So, did a bit of research on the internet, and found some pretty good stuff re what I would like to have. What I would really like to have cannot be justified as it would take the grub off the table and the kids out of varsity. More realistically then, I am keen on a Cort G260. But the darn thing seems to be what everybody is keen on because I cant get one. In particular I am after the 'Open pore natural' finish. Looks so good! I want to do this pretty 'right' so I am going to scout around and do some lessons.
Welcome to GFSA from one half tonner to another. BTW you're never to old to rock 'n roll and always to young to die.
What was that, "too young to know better, too old to refuse"?
Welcome Ray. I'm six years younger and I suspect the same crisis is already beginning to stir... yep never too old to rock and roll!
welcome to the forum....maybe try a SQUIRE?i'm not a cort fan at all,i've played way to many crappy ones
ya, you know what I am thinking? I have done some reading on this site and others and I guess it's just like golf or like anything else really. You can read the reviews, you can get the advice, you can listen to opinions. But in the end you have to hit the club yourself some. (Sorry if this reference is way out of line on this site?). So, today I'll mosey on over to some stores and check what they can tell me and let me 'hit' a bit. I do believe however, that there are principles that need to be adhered to, and that is really what I feel I am getting from y'all. Thanks for the inputs. I dont want to be too patient in my search though becasue that may just become procrastination. I'm going to get something kweeeek, even if it just a temporary measure.
If you've read opinions from all over this site I hope you've picked up on mine - buying more expensive stuff second hand beats the sh!t out of buying cheaper stuff new. Since you say you're open to go and hit some balls just hit gumtree, junkmail etc.
Edit: there's an advertiser here called musicads....
+1 gearhead
i agree with you completely on that!! ?
welcome Ray
I am just refusing to get old. If Jon Lord of Deep Purple could tour the world at sixty odd, we are still young.
This forum definately keeps you young.
Welcome to the forum. Enjoy!
Welcome, sure you'll love it here
Welcome welcome...You definately have come to the right place!
Youre never to old to ruk en roll..Just look at Keith Richards!!!!
I did, and I nearly changed my mind about this guitar thing hey! Is that what playing guitar does to you?
Just kidding. I just dont think that his talents have lasted too well after getting Shine a Light.
kieth richards is proof that aliens exist on this planet , and that highlander was based on kieth richards life and some people are immortal
Welcome to another Benonian. Tell me where you are and we can maybe make the far east rock a bit! Definite not too old - or at least I hope so, as I'm there as well! I'm only now starting to enjoy my music at my 'old age'.