Shibbibilybob wrote:
Well it's a tough one, because I don't need a new acoustic either,I just think I'd play one more than I play my electrics.
So Probably best to take it slow and not rush into any decisions.
Also if I did things that way, it'd see me selling my PRS custom 22, which I'm not sure I want to do, but more than that, I'm not sure it's worth selling. I dont imagine a guitar of that value being an easy thing to move on, but of all my guitars it's probably the one that makes the most sense to sell.
so, in a small way, i'm in a type of similar position. i have a prs custom 22 that almost never gets played - but i would never consider selling it. the reason is that i had a std 22 a while back, sold it, and regretted it ever since - even though i sold it to a mate who loves it and plays it constantly. when i happened across the custom, i decided to buy it and keep it at any cost.
now, i also have a larrivee, which i will never sell, as it's my ultimate acoustic. then, i have purchased two electrics, two tokais - an sg and a p90 goldtop. problem is i want another les paul, this time with pafs. almost exclusively, i play the sg and the larrivee. so the other two are lying around, being 'ornaments', as alan quite rightly says. problem is, i just can't part with either of them.
my advice would be simply to hang on to them - were i you, but i ain't. i'd say take a long hard think, then play each of them at least once a day for a week. then take a long hard think again. then, make a decision. but don't part with the prs - it's probably your most versatile guitar, i'll wager. also, if you don't need another acoustic, don't buy one. if you must sell the guitars, invest the proceeds until you happen upon something you absolutely must have - then you'll have the money. look at a 32-day notice deposit. the last thing you'll want to make is a rash decision with a coupla grand lining your pocket. ?
you have to make this decision yourself, and i wish you all the luck in the world with it.