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  • Gear
  • What to do with gear I dont use...?

I have been playing a long while and in that time I have amassed a few very nice guitars in both electric and acoustic flavours.
While I used to be very keen on electric and play in band, these days I find I play almost nothing but acoustic.
So I have 4 really nice electric guitars that never get played and two acoustics that get a daily session.

It seems to me I may be better off selling or trading in two or three of those electrics and getting another really nice acoustic that will get played?

What do you folks think? Will i regret getting rid of my electric gear?
I would also not know how to choose which guitars to move on and which to keep.
But I also do kinda want another acoustic too...which is probably what got me thinking along these lines.
    I've learned to be brutally rational when it comes to such things - anything I don't use, I get rid of to help finance something I will. Sure, it's nice to have good stuff lurking around, but if you don't use them, they are little beyond expensive ornaments. ?

    I went through something similar to you a couple of years ago, but in reverse - the acoustics were first against the wall when the revolution came. ? Hurt at the time, but in retrospect I'm very glad I did it.
      I can relate to this... I've owned something like 20 basses since first learning around 20 years ago, and there are some I had to part with to fund others that were more what I required at the time etc. The most i ever had at once was 7 basses (including an acoustic bass) and an acoustic guitar. I had to whittle that right down to 5, then 3, then finally 1 bass and one acoustic when i was moving out here.

      I truly regret some of the gear I had to sell, as I've never found anything quite like them again since, but having said that, I also have some gear now that I never thought I would have ever manged to get, so I think in the end it pretty much balances out!?!

      My advice to you would be to sell off two of your four electrics, and keep the others, or at least keep one. If you really can't decide which are your favourites, then put all four up for sale, then sell the first two you get buyers for. Also on this point, quite often when putting gear up for sale, you often notice which one is your most liked as you type out their 'ads'.

      Out of interest, what are the four guitars?

        I have a loving home where all guitars are welcome ?
        A loving and stable environment where young guitars are made to perform at their fullest potential!
          Ask yourself...for what specific reason have you bought each of the guitars that you currently still have. Was it for a specific tone or style or was it just for the looks or as a nice to have ? Those you got just for the looks or as nice to haves, sell or trade them first and get yourself a decent acoustic that will suit your current taste and needs...something that you would not want to part with.

          Good luck.
            Well it's a tough one, because I don't need a new acoustic either,I just think I'd play one more than I play my electrics.

            So Probably best to take it slow and not rush into any decisions.

            Also if I did things that way, it'd see me selling my PRS custom 22, which I'm not sure I want to do, but more than that, I'm not sure it's worth selling. I dont imagine a guitar of that value being an easy thing to move on, but of all my guitars it's probably the one that makes the most sense to sell.
              Shibbibilybob wrote: Well it's a tough one, because I don't need a new acoustic either,I just think I'd play one more than I play my electrics.

              So Probably best to take it slow and not rush into any decisions.

              Also if I did things that way, it'd see me selling my PRS custom 22, which I'm not sure I want to do, but more than that, I'm not sure it's worth selling. I dont imagine a guitar of that value being an easy thing to move on, but of all my guitars it's probably the one that makes the most sense to sell.
              OK...then hang on to those that you have and buy the acoustic at a later stage....second hand maybe.
                Shibbibilybob wrote: Well it's a tough one, because I don't need a new acoustic either,I just think I'd play one more than I play my electrics.

                So Probably best to take it slow and not rush into any decisions.

                Also if I did things that way, it'd see me selling my PRS custom 22, which I'm not sure I want to do, but more than that, I'm not sure it's worth selling. I dont imagine a guitar of that value being an easy thing to move on, but of all my guitars it's probably the one that makes the most sense to sell.
                so, in a small way, i'm in a type of similar position. i have a prs custom 22 that almost never gets played - but i would never consider selling it. the reason is that i had a std 22 a while back, sold it, and regretted it ever since - even though i sold it to a mate who loves it and plays it constantly. when i happened across the custom, i decided to buy it and keep it at any cost.

                now, i also have a larrivee, which i will never sell, as it's my ultimate acoustic. then, i have purchased two electrics, two tokais - an sg and a p90 goldtop. problem is i want another les paul, this time with pafs. almost exclusively, i play the sg and the larrivee. so the other two are lying around, being 'ornaments', as alan quite rightly says. problem is, i just can't part with either of them.

                my advice would be simply to hang on to them - were i you, but i ain't. i'd say take a long hard think, then play each of them at least once a day for a week. then take a long hard think again. then, make a decision. but don't part with the prs - it's probably your most versatile guitar, i'll wager. also, if you don't need another acoustic, don't buy one. if you must sell the guitars, invest the proceeds until you happen upon something you absolutely must have - then you'll have the money. look at a 32-day notice deposit. the last thing you'll want to make is a rash decision with a coupla grand lining your pocket. ?

                you have to make this decision yourself, and i wish you all the luck in the world with it.
                  domhatch wrote:
                  Shibbibilybob wrote: Well it's a tough one, because I don't need a new acoustic either,I just think I'd play one more than I play my electrics.

                  So Probably best to take it slow and not rush into any decisions.

                  Also if I did things that way, it'd see me selling my PRS custom 22, which I'm not sure I want to do, but more than that, I'm not sure it's worth selling. I dont imagine a guitar of that value being an easy thing to move on, but of all my guitars it's probably the one that makes the most sense to sell.
                  so, in a small way, i'm in a type of similar position. i have a prs custom 22 that almost never gets played - but i would never consider selling it. the reason is that i had a std 22 a while back, sold it, and regretted it ever since - even though i sold it to a mate who loves it and plays it constantly. when i happened across the custom, i decided to buy it and keep it at any cost.

                  now, i also have a larrivee, which i will never sell, as it's my ultimate acoustic. then, i have purchased two electrics, two tokais - an sg and a p90 goldtop. problem is i want another les paul, this time with pafs. almost exclusively, i play the sg and the larrivee. so the other two are lying around, being 'ornaments', as alan quite rightly says. problem is, i just can't part with either of them.

                  my advice would be simply to hang on to them - were i you, but i ain't. i'd say take a long hard think, then play each of them at least once a day for a week. then take a long hard think again. then, make a decision. but don't part with the prs - it's probably your most versatile guitar, i'll wager. also, if you don't need another acoustic, don't buy one. if you must sell the guitars, invest the proceeds until you happen upon something you absolutely must have - then you'll have the money. look at a 32-day notice deposit. the last thing you'll want to make is a rash decision with a coupla grand lining your pocket. ?

                  you have to make this decision yourself, and i wish you all the luck in the world with it.
                  Guys, my feeling is different...I say you don't have to play a particular guitar everyday to justify owning it....my R1
                    Joe Moore wrote: In anycase , now's not the right time to sell anything really. Stuff ain't moving at all . ☹
                      Vic wrote: Guys, my feeling is different...I say you don't have to play a particular guitar everyday to justify owning it....my R1
                      hellz yeah, i agree with you vic. was just trying to say if shibbibilybob did play those 'ornaments' for a bit, that exact point would be realised.

                      anyways, each to his or her own
                        Vic wrote: Guys, my feeling is different...I say you don't have to play a particular guitar everyday to justify owning it....my R1
                        + 1 Vic. I have guitars that I have not even seen for months! I always go to my "Go-to favourites".

                        More to the point. I have two boys, one who has put learning guitar on hold due to other commitments like football, swimming and tennis. The bug has not
                        bitten the younger one yet ...... YET ..... but if it does, they will have a choice of guitars I did not have as a kid.

                        And like Joe Moore says, and he knows what he'd talking about: "Now is not the time to sell ...... " I agree.

                        Only extreme circumstances will make me part with any of my guitars ...... or amazing swop deals!

                          Yeah I hear you guys ☹
                          I do have a few come-and-go items I'd not mind selling for a new acoustic though, like sub 10k deals, which seem to be as popular as ever (hell I could probably sell the whole lot to Big G...pm me ?).

                          The idea of keeping guitars around for my potential children is an interesting one.
                          I have a Cort s2550 electric guitar sitting at my moms house in joburg that I am hoping to give to my 6 year old nephew in the next few years.
                            Shibbibilybob wrote: The idea of keeping guitars around for my potential children is an interesting one.
                            I have a Cort s2550 electric guitar sitting at my moms house in joburg that I am hoping to give to my 6 year old nephew in the next few years.
                            See what I mean? ...... if, or no, when he becomes a famous/great guitarist in a few years, he will remember his uncle ..... ?
                              Shibbibilybob wrote: Yeah I hear you guys ☹
                              I do have a few come-and-go items I'd not mind selling for a new acoustic though, like sub 10k deals, which seem to be as popular as ever (hell I could probably sell the whole lot to Big G...pm me ?).
                              Hey! Excuse me.... I relate to that comment! I tell you what... I'll swap my Yama CPX8 for the lot! Hows that sound? ? Although having said this, I still have no idea what you have (other than a PRS, but that'll do!)?! Hehe!

                                a High way one tele, 50th ani ash strat, a warick standard corvette bass, a les paul studio with some mods, uh, numerous effects, a few small tube amps.
                                  Shibbibilybob wrote: a High way one tele, 50th ani ash strat, a warick standard corvette bass, a les paul studio with some mods, uh, numerous effects, a few small tube amps.
                                  so... uh... really? sub-10?
                                    What to do with gear you dont use.
                                    I have taken the leap and am selling off some guitars in the next few months.
                                    Have posted an ad already. Not the right time to sell agreed, if they dont sell then they will be put in storage. Some will be stripped for parts to be used on any lapsteels I build. Moving on to other things such as Lap Steel and other interesting things. I am of course keeping some guitars just in case I get the urge to play again. Sort of lost interest due to my damaged hand.
                                    saddle and Nut
                                      what he hasn't told you is that he doesn't have recording gear. My advice was to sell enough to purchase a laptop or pc, a mic, monitors and some software and whatever else he may need. If that is the case, maybe your left overs will get put to use here and there.