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My emotional rollercoaster upon viewing this:

? Damn that looks schweeeeet!
? Holy crap it sounds (from the description) amazing.
☹ I wish I had one
:applause: Congrats Singe! You must be beaming.

Absolutely dig the idea of a single tone and volume control with power-scaling! Molto jealous dude.

I'll be awaiting a demo clip.

    Congrats Singe.. ! WOW ! That looks (and I presume also sounds) super coool !
    Enjoy that baby !
      singemonkey wrote: I should also mention that this is the kind of thing this forum makes possible. Without EZ, now among my best friends in the world, and lapdawg, who's just a phenomenal craftsman, I'd still be looking for a pedal to simulate the sound that is inherent to an amp like this. So you can get sick of the endless gear debates or whatnot, but the true value of this forum is in the people you meet.

      Really a fantastic looking amp. Congrats Singe
      singemonkey wrote: More pics and (if I'm less lazy than usual) clips to follow.
      This is a must!
        Mazeltov. That's a great amp and a lovely story.
          Yay! Cool post man! Very happy for you! ?
            Thanks folks. Really amped :? to hear my guitars through this thing. It sounds awesome through EZ's 2x12 G12H30 closed-backed cab, so I'm really hoping I like this 'speaker which is more than likely to be quite a bit less bright (also quite a bit quieter than a G12H30 which can be seen as a pro or a con).
              singemonkey wrote: Thanks folks. Really amped :? to hear my guitars through this thing. It sounds awesome through EZ's 2x12 G12H30 closed-backed cab, so I'm really hoping I like this 'speaker which is more than likely to be quite a bit less bright (also quite a bit quieter than a G12H30 which can be seen as a pro or a con).
              I feel like I'm going on a first date LOL.

              Very keen to hear the Greenback, I may have to make a quick mod to the amp before the Monkey can take it home (and before Scots Island product is consumed) depending on how bright it is in this cab with that speaker.

              This amp looks so awesome I may have to build myself ANOTHER 18 watt just to have a combo like this (One can't have too many classic single channel amps)
                singemonkey wrote: I should also mention that this is the kind of thing this forum makes possible.
                  Congrats! I have a spare Blackback lying around, maybe its time to build something 8)
                    Mazeltov!!! ?

                    Wow!!!, beautiful amp...all the best with it, Alan.

                    Congrats to EZ and lapdawg on some excellent work.

                      My F@#@$

                      That looks so good its enough just to look at it, who needs to play it



                        I reckon amps with a personal input always work out to be more meaningful. Enjoy!
                          Wow. Beeeeeautiful.

                          Much just chip in here: EZ put me onto lapdawg, who is about to start building a cab for me. Seeing some of his work in all its glory (and hearing such great reports of his craftsmanship) is really getting me buzzed. I don't think I thanked EZ directly, so I will do so publicly: you are a legend!
                            el guapo wrote: Wow. Beeeeeautiful.

                            Much just chip in here: EZ put me onto lapdawg, who is about to start building a cab for me. Seeing some of his work in all its glory (and hearing such great reports of his craftsmanship) is really getting me buzzed. I don't think I thanked EZ directly, so I will do so publicly: you are a legend!
                            Also got something in the works ?

                            Enjoy the amp Singe! Quality stuff!
                              Congratulations SM...she looks a treat and i imagine well worth the wait..

                                Wow, some guys have all the luck! Congrats SM, that's a beaut! :applause:
                                  Man, that thing looks the business!!

                                  I also went through something like this:
                                  Luc wrote: My emotional rollercoaster upon viewing this:

                                  ? Damn that looks schweeeeet!
                                  ? Holy crap it sounds (from the description) amazing.
                                  ☹ I wish I had one
                                  :applause: Congrats Singe! You must be beaming.

                                  Absolutely dig the idea of a single tone and volume control with power-scaling! Molto jealous dude.

                                  I'll be awaiting a demo clip.
                                  Congrats to ez and lapdawg :goodtimes:
                                  That is such a great looking amp. Absolutely no doubt you're gonna enjoy the hell out of it. Pleasepleaseplease post clips Mr. Monkey ?
                                    That looks amazing!!! You HAVE to get sound clips though! It is 100% necessary! ...reading these things always makes me want to throw away all my pedals and go the best route, guitar + amp, but i need footswitchable sudden volume jumps for certain times when you cant stop playing to turn up the volume...still i must try!