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  • YOUR Gear
  • my how gear moves between owners here on the forum ... my most recent archtop

isn't great how we have a community where gear is passed around (ok sold around) with the advantage of us knowing the previous owners and info on the guitars/gear

just this week i sold my 15W tube amp to wizard ... who got all the back info and exactly what JP le roux did to the amp

and i got a 53 yr old hofner archtop which Joe Moore originally bought and restored (full refret , new tuners /new bridge and refurm/setup by grant fouche ) sold it to Tracy on the forum a while back .... who sold it to me this last week ..........

so yes i finally have an archtop that is older than me .... and in better condition ?

it's a 53 yr old Hofner 457 s1 E ..... according to Joel the date stamped inside says 1 sept 1960 ...... and grant fouche has refretted and made it a player ...

However the Bigsby MUST GO ..and i've already ordered a replacement trapese tailpiece....... bigsby's are cool on tele's but this guitar was not designed to have a bigsby ..... (no centre block) and never left the factoty with them .. hofner fitted them only on the thinline models (hofner verythin's) which all had a centre block like a ES335 but thats the only flaw so far ........ which is in the process of being remedied ..it plays well and has great tone ... very piano like .. which i like

but anyway isn't it great that i knew the history of this guitar and could just call Joel and ask what had been done and by whom ......... and Tracy was great dealing with and meeting for the 1st time and has a huge collection of very nice guitars.... ? ... so yes this forum works on many levels .......

    What a beaut Keira! I agree with you regarding returning the guitar to original but this... bigsby's are cool on tele's..... >☹ I think that they're cool on Gretch guitars. IMO they ruin a Tele, it'll end up getting hung up on a wall!

    I'm looking forward to attending one of your Sunday sessions in March!
      Great to ,meet you Keira, and I am so glad the old girl has found a home where she will be played just the way she should be. ?
      I am enjoying your black strat, and will pop in for tea sometime if in your area.......
      Now I gotta find an SG special - then my GAS is done........i think..... ?

        It's like a really cool library.

        Take stuff out ... use it and learn from it ... then return it for the next member to try.
        However ... the way this amp is sounding, I may struggle to return it to the library ...
          Wizard wrote:
          However ... the way this amp is sounding, I may struggle to return it to the library ...
          And of course absolutely nothing wrong with that. Eventually great gear will stick with someone for a long time if it's the tone that person is satisfied with ?
            I've bought other stuff directly from shops and friends, but not sold anything anywhere else for the last four years. ? It's good to "keep it in the family" and occasionally even see it pop up in pics of other gear. Especially guitars, which I tend to get attached to. ?
              ragges wrote: Great to ,meet you Keira, and I am so glad the old girl has found a home where she will be played just the way she should be. ?
              I am enjoying your black strat, and will pop in for tea sometime if in your area.......
              Now I gotta find an SG special - then my GAS is done........i think..... ?

              Did you buy the Strat with the Pearly Gates in the bridge??
              What a brilliant guitar! Enjoy! And if you ever choose to sell it, you know where to find me! ?
                Keira, did you sell your Epiphone Emperor? Don't see it on your "gear list".
                I love the look of that Epi. All though it won't suit my playing style, i think it is a awesome looking guitar.
                  StefStoep wrote: Keira, did you sell your Epiphone Emperor? Don't see it on your "gear list".
                  I love the look of that Epi. All though it won't suit my playing style, i think it is a awesome looking guitar.
                  actually i didn't even advertise it , but when one of my jazz guitar students heard i got the hofner he asked if i'd sell and next day the money was in my account ? so yes its sold .... He's always liked it and a good player so he will make good use of it . ......again keeping it in the family ?
                    I bought this Ibanez Les Paul Recording off a Guitar Forum member (Attila), It's an absolutely amazing guitar! I am currently having all the wiring and stack bucker pickups restored to it's original state.

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