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  • Gear
  • Cash Converters Strat - Ridiculous Price!

Thought you were gonna show me a R50 US Fender deal. :'(
    Thats normal markup on everything that Cash Crusaders sells, just more obvious on the strat ?
      even at a 10% cash discount that CC may offer, nyah,,,, I don't think that guitar's going anywhere... :-\
      watch the price drop to around R14K in a couple of months,
        I'm sure the guy added an extra 9 by accident ! :?
          I'm wondering what Cash Converters paid? They might of got ripped off themselves!

          then again the other day at another Cash Converters (Bonero Park I think) I saw Mexican Fender Strat going for R8000!
            Oh whatever. Who cares? When these franchises were new there were bargains. That ship has sailed over the horizon. Think no more about this guitar.

            My buddy bought a '70s SG Special from them once for R400. It kicks ass ?
              Joe Moore wrote:

              Not true , that very same Cash Converters sold an miA PRS Custom 22 recently , with hardcase for 3k... ?
              WHAT????? ? if CC sold it for R3K this means they paid around R1200 for it???
              who in his right mind would let a MIA Custom 22 go for so little?? and why didn't they tell me ☹ :?
              time for me to do some CC trawling...... :yup:
                I was about to buy a SM57 at cash converters for R750, till I opened it up, FAKE!, on the outside that thing looked perfect.

                They had a whole bunch of shure's from the same source, so I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few more fakes!
                  CostaFonix wrote:
                  Joe Moore wrote:

                  Not true , that very same Cash Converters sold an miA PRS Custom 22 recently , with hardcase for 3k... ?
                  WHAT????? ? if CC sold it for R3K this means they paid around R1200 for it???
                  who in his right mind would let a MIA Custom 22 go for so little?? and why didn't they tell me ☹ :?
                  time for me to do some CC trawling...... :yup:
                  I sold them a R11000 camera lens kit for R2500 back in the dark days...if you're hungry, I'd rather have R2500 than a R11000 camera...
                    a couple of months ago i saw an Epiphone at CC trying to sell for 10K, was a Wylde bullseye, but still, 10K seemed way off the worth. I dont know who their sources are to inform them of resale value but whoever it is they should find a different line of work.
                      i got an american stand strat for sale , bargain price 18k cash...save 12 k ....and bonus , its left handed too so u can look like jimi
                        I think it makes perfect sense that the music store would tell them it is worth 30k...which, for a brand new american deluxe strat, is not far off the rrp...although significantly above any actual price...especially second hand.
                        But here's what I think: The music store (which is literally across the road) does not want a second hand usa strat going cheap across the road. So tell them they sell for R30k. Either that, or say 2k and then buy it themselves.

                        It's unfortunate for cash converters that the shoppers who are looking to spend R30k on guitars are usually very well informed and researched (as you would be if it were your R30k).
                          Shibbibilybob wrote: I think it makes perfect sense that the music store would tell them it is worth 30k...which, for a brand new american deluxe strat, is not far off the rrp...although significantly above any actual price...especially second hand.
                          But here's what I think: The music store (which is literally across the road) does not want a second hand usa strat going cheap across the road. So tell them they sell for R30k. Either that, or say 2k and then buy it themselves.

                          It's unfortunate for cash converters that the shoppers who are looking to spend R30k on guitars are usually very well informed and researched (as you would be if it were your R30k).
                          Not a band point.

                          Cash converters in park meadows gets there prices from the Music Mate in that center.
                          I have tried to explain the difference between retail and actual price to them but they don't seem to understand.

                          The CC by my house put up a pair of M-Audio BX5's for 6k. I offered them R1500 which I thought was very fair.
                          A few months later they are down at cost for about 3k. In the old days I picked up a great condition Yamaha G231 II nylon for a little under 300 bucks.
                          Those were the days.
                            Brendon "BluJu" Neuhaus wrote: I have tried to explain the difference between retail and actual price to them but they don't seem to understand.
                            Them and most of the populated universe ?
                              Yup, I saw that strat last week.

                              Its actually a 60th anniversary USA not a deluxe.
                              It doesnt have original tuners, guy changed the stocks to schaller/fender lockings
                              The body looks immaculate but I didnt take it out the cupboard

                              The 60th diamond is on the back of the headstock

                                free2rhyme wrote: Yup, I saw that strat last week.

                                Its actually a 60th anniversary USA not a deluxe.
                                It doesnt have original tuners, guy changed the stocks to schaller/fender lockings
                                The body looks immaculate but I didnt take it out the cupboard

                                The 60th diamond is on the back of the headstock

                                The sticker just means it was made in 2006. If it was a proper 60th ann. model it would have had a different neckplate and a fake diamond on the front of the headstock. Also would have been a sunburst iirc.

                                That looks like a Deluxe that's been modded a bit. Funny thing is that even though the saddles and SD bridge would have added to the cost it actually decreases the value of the guitar. A more realistic price would be about half of what they're asking, and I wouldn't even pay that. Nice looking body though...
                                  Joe Moore wrote:
                                  free2rhyme wrote: Yup, I saw that strat last week.

                                  Its actually a 60th anniversary USA not a deluxe.
                                  It doesnt have original tuners, guy changed the stocks to schaller/fender lockings
                                  The body looks immaculate but I didnt take it out the cupboard

                                  The 60th diamond is on the back of the headstock
                                  ? , I don't recall seeing that when I looked at it .... :-\
                                  In anycase howcome then doesn't it have a 60th anniversary neckplate like this ?

                                  Oh yeh, you are right Joe

                                  I remember now my old P-Bass had the 60th neckplate and the dot sticker on the back of the headstock
                                    X-rated Bob wrote:
                                    Brendon "BluJu" Neuhaus wrote: I have tried to explain the difference between retail and actual price to them but they don't seem to understand.
                                    Them and most of the populated universe ?
                                    ? I know that I for one have given up trying to!
                                    The new guy at my local also doesn't give the, what used to be, symbolical R5 off a pack off strings when I'm paying cash anymore either ?
                                      with the way the rand is going , in a couple of months 30k will be a bargain