Get a few 'clip-on' ferrites from a decent electronics supplier - and fit them to the power leads as well as audio and speaker cables, you sometimes have to use 2 or more on each cable - they look like this
Similar ferrites (cylindrical non-clip on types) are often found on the signal cables of VDU screens and are used to suppress unwanted signals, these can often be stripped off scrapped display screens and 'recycled'
interference from nearby electric fences is commonly experienced, especially when the pulser units of the electric fences are incorrectly earthed or incorrectly adjusted ('tweaked' to higher than permitted power), or when there is arcing (sparks) between the fence and nearby vegetation - this results in a broadband radio signal which will be picked up on a radio/or an audio amplifier with long and unsuppressed leads (which act as an antenna), such 'interference' is in effect an illegal radio transmitter. Illegal primarily because it is a 'spark gap' transmitter - a mode that is prohibited because of the interference it produces.