Just some choice quotes off their forum.
I hope the guy enjoys THAT burst, because this is a pretty damn small community, and word gets around......
^ The guy who posted this is an idiot, as if the over inflated value of this thing is somehow going to lessen because someone got screwed over...Also the hinting that they have some sort of secret society thing going on is pretentious and super lame...
This is exactly what happens when you try to cut too many $ corners in buying a "thing" as rare, as distant, and as "emotional" as a Burst
"emotional" I almost fell off my chair laughing at that.
U guys sound like a bunch of women in a sewing circle...
That they do...
I think the whole thing is daft, mainly just cause I'm not nostalgic so the whole rarity thing wouldn't influence my interest in the guitar and the fact that it's old is actually a huge negative in my mind. Why do people seem to go so bonkers over guitars that were made to far lower tolerances than those of today? (Rhetorical)
It's great that there are so many people who are willing to spend small fortunes on guitars that don't really have any quantifiable advantage over modern guitars, I find it quite annoying that there's an entire guitar playing culture that has developed around the idea that somehow these relic instruments are of a higher tier than the things you can get today...
TL;DR: I still think the whole vintage thing is stupid, also as is generally my experience these old school "tone afficionados" generally can't play well enough to warrant their opinions, you do get the exception to the norm but often they don't have the skills to back their mouths IMO ?