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Firefox rules!

Do you guys have the downlaod helper plugin? That's awesome for all those great Youtube videos you want to download.

I'll check if I have adblockers and disable them...

    Cdee it's called ORBIT Downloader
    get it here www.orbitdownloader.com
    It's free and works well with youtube videos
      cool, thanks.

      I had that adblock plus thing enabled. I've disabled it and it is working fine now. It doesn't like the php scripts....
        I have disabled IE and been using ff for over a year now. Will never go back to the dark side.
          Squonk wrote: Cdee it's called ORBIT Downloader
          get it here www.orbitdownloader.com
          It's free and works well with youtube videos
          Hi Squonk.

          Does it download the youtube vids to your hard-drive, or merely a link from where you access it online more easily?
            Hi Squonk.

            Does it download the youtube vids to your hard-drive, or merely a link from where you access it online more easily?
            The one I use is called download helper and it downloads the videos to your hard drive in .flv format. It can download from almost any flash video player site like Youtube, metcafe etc...

            This is their site http://www.downloadhelper.net/

            (I'm not affiliated with them, it's just a very nice tool for downloading music videos once and saving alot on bandwith ? )
              Yeah I use both Adblock Plus and Download helper in Firefox. Saves some bandwidth. Internet Explorer doesn't compare - they are always playing catch-up with the other browsers.
                I'm gonna go ahead and throw in another contender. I use it and it rocks.
                Google Chrome. ? http://www.google.com/chrome
                Just take a look at their development cartoon thing. It really has a lot of brilliant ideas behind it.
                I used to use Firefox, but for some strange reason, after one of my 500gigs died, my Firefox started crashing. Which never happens... Firefox is way too awesome to crash. Another smaller option is the Opera browser (I use Opera mini on my Samsung e250 piece of crap. Brilliant little Java program.)

                As for IE, I have disabled IE completely from my PC. Long burn it in a fiery doom.
                  FF3 is Uber - fast, reliable, small footprint, lots of plugins ?
                  Chrome is smaller in footprint faster but is a bit too Spartan 8)
                  IE sucks in the worst possible way (I'll save Allen the graphics) ☹
                    +1000 for Firefox!

                    Will NEVER go back to IE! >☹
                      I upgraded to Firefox yesterday mainly just to use the chat function on Facebook. Comparing to IE it takes a bit longer to load pictures and there is allot of stuff missing on allot of pages. For example the GFSA theme song at the top now only says "This video requires Flash 8 or higher" . Is it just a matter of uploading some plug-ins ?
                        allow popups and it will direct you to the plugins like flash etc
                          yeah,you just need plug ins
                            ...and the flash plug is different for Firefox and IE. You can also just go to www.macromedia.com and download the latest flash for Firefox.
                              IMO the add-ons and plugins you get (for free) in Firefox is what makes it better than any other browser. I can have all the tools I want and more when browsing while having better security than with other browsers.
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