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  • Gear
  • Why won't Musician's Friend ship Dimarzio pups to SA?

I've been looking at getting some Dimarzios for my RG570 and I have heard good things about Musician's Friend, but when I go to checkout to see what the shipping cost would be, it pops up with the message: "Some of the items in your cart won't ship to this location". I've also noticed when looking on Ebay that none of the sellers offering Dimarzios offer shipping to SA for these items.

Anybody know why??
    Clint Green wrote: Anybody know why??
    There's a local supplier.
      Also try www.takealot.com , I was quoted R1300 at my local music shop for a Dimarzio X2n (excluding installation), looking on the site it is 400 bucks cheaper with shipping. Just a thought.
        Chad Adam Browne wrote:
        Clint Green wrote: Anybody know why??
        There's a local supplier.
        Yep, I know there is, and I'm aware that it is often cheaper to get stuff locally than to import it, but I like to have the option nevertheless ?
        G-Man wrote: Also try www.takealot.com , I was quoted R1300 at my local music shop for a Dimarzio X2n (excluding installation), looking on the site it is 400 bucks cheaper with shipping. Just a thought.
        I've taken a look at Takelot, looks like a decent option...at least you know the import duties and everything are covered when you buy from them..thanks G-man!
          Clint Green wrote:
          Anybody know why??
          Small parcels get stolen ...same reason Amazon dose not ship to SA any more
            Attila wrote:
            Clint Green wrote:
            Anybody know why??
            Small parcels get stolen ...same reason Amazon dose not ship to SA any more
            Haha jeez dude, don't say things like that, I'm already stressing about the bridge I ordered from Ebay getting here :/
              Because there are local suppliers. (Won't even ship the items not locally available within certain brands...)

              Air Norton + Tone Zone


              Liquifire + Crunchlab?

              (With a True Velvet in the middle) ?
                ZarK wrote: Because there are local suppliers. (Won't even ship the items not locally available within certain brands...)
                There are also contracts in place with some agencies that "discourage" shipping of items that can be found locally.
                  Air Norton + Tone Zone


                  Liquifire + Crunchlab?

                  (With a True Velvet in the middle) ?

                  Definitely one of those two combos, I've yet to decide which though! ? I will get the bridge and neck pups first though and the middle at a later stage. Too bad there aren't any "try before you buy" options with guitar electronics :/
                    Chad Adam Browne wrote:
                    ZarK wrote: Because there are local suppliers. (Won't even ship the items not locally available within certain brands...)
                    There are also contracts in place with some agencies that "discourage" shipping of items that can be found locally.
                    That is also a very good point!
                      its kind of a bummer as well, cause the shops only have certain models of dimarzio.

                        Manfred Klose wrote: its kind of a bummer as well, cause the shops only have certain models of dimarzio.
                        Dimarzio is a made to order brand, they do production runs for their dealers so generally if it isn't available you just need to place an order for them
                          Dimarzio is a made to order brand, they do production runs for their dealers so generally if it isn't available you just need to place an order for them
                          yeah but it takes like forever.
                          where if you buy it on the internet it will be here in a week or so.
                            Manfred Klose wrote:
                            Dimarzio is a made to order brand, they do production runs for their dealers so generally if it isn't available you just need to place an order for them
                            yeah but it takes like forever.
                            where if you buy it on the internet it will be here in a week or so.
                            Patience is a virtue and it only goes to making that moment when you get to hear them in your guitar for the first time even more rewarding ?
                              Attila wrote:
                              Clint Green wrote:
                              Anybody know why??
                              Small parcels get stolen ...same reason Amazon dose not ship to SA any more
                              Amazon ships to SA. I order stuff from Amazon several times a year, and I have the option to use mail. I usually elect the courier service because I'm impatient and because the cost per item reduces a bit if you order several items at a time, but the mail option is available to me.

                              There are many products in our area of interest that Musician's Friend and the like won't ship to SA or, indeed, other countries. This is insisted on by the product manufacturer to protect the franchisee in the destination country. There are, of course, always grey markets and ways of circumventing the formal supply chains, but the manufacturers cannot be seen to be encouraging or even allowing the by-passing of those channels.
                                I see that Takealot do have Dimarzios listed (at a pretty decent price, mind you!) and I know for a fact that they get their imports via Amazon who, in turn, have the Dimarzios listed as coming from Musician's Friend. I thought I'd do the checkout thing on Amazon to check the shipping cost (like I did on M.F.) and it also popped up saying that these items could not be shipped to SA. So I wonder if I had to place an order through Takealot, whether they would come back to me a few days later telling me that they could not get the items and offer me a refund...hmmmm...
                                  nope... if its on takealot, you can get it... provided its in stock ?
                                    though you really shouldnt be trying to buy on a friday from any online place!