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I recorded this little piece using my latest addition to my guitar family. A 2005 American Deluxe Tabbaco Burst.

1x Fender Super 95 4x10 (on a relatively low volume)
1x Fender American Strat
1x SM58 into a Focusrite Green


    As usual, a little gem ...... and some awesome "Bryson/Fender" tones! Nice one AJB!! :applause:
      Sounds good man! I really like the rhythm bit, very ambient. Awesome lead bits, super smooth. 8)
        Good Stuff Andrew. The Strat sounds good. Is it the Guitar. Amp or the player?
          Just something to add:

          You know Andrew is a great player because he sounds like "Andrew". If you listen to this, or to his Station B-12 tracks or an old competition entry called "Lydian in Mind", you can hear that it's Andrew playing. When I grow up, I also want to sound like myself. 8)
            Warren, +1. He's got a very iconic style and tone.
              Warren wrote: When I grow up, I also want to sound like myself. 8)
              Amen. Couldn't wish for anything more.

              I've got another Bryson strat clip on my itunes somewhere. funny thing is I listen more to the playing than to the tone nuances.
                5 days later
                Nice mood here, great tune. Good job ?
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