X-rated Bob wrote:
Hard to say without knowing what sort of price you're looking at. With that information it may be possible to propose alternatives.
I'm not wild about Ovations myself, though the faithful seem to want nothing else. That back creates a problem. The guitar can slip around unless you're playing with a strap. Ovations have a distinctive sound that some may like and others may not. I don't think the electronics are that good. Once they were state of the art, but they haven't kept up. You may do better by fitting after market electronics (Baggs or Fishman) to another guitar.
They're certainly not the only game in town.
RE you Epiphone. If the neck was properly repaired but you're not happy with it, maybe it just needs a setup. A good setup and good electronics fitted to a guitar you like may be a better financial proposition.
The Epi was repaired well, and the guy that did the it set it up fine, it plays well and looks good. It used to sound 'sweet' and mellow, and now I can't help but think there's more of an edge to it, sort of a metalic sound. No fret's buzzing or anything.
I can have the ovation for R2k, and I'm happy to spend that sort of money on what is essentially a hobby I'm bad at ? I usually sit down when I play, but I do use a strap and tend to set it very high. I'm trying to get used to a lower setting though, and try to stand when playing the electric, it seems to make it more comfortable to play closer to the body. The electronics aren't a deal breaker to be honest, more of a nice to have.