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Brings new meaning to the quote:
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body,but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming -- WOW-- What a Ride!" ?
    Daniel Stuart wrote: Thats so morbid.
    I think the gift shop the relatives will undoubtedly be channeled through on their way out would be even worse.....'get your souvenir photos right here folks. Buy an extra set and we'll sign you up for the family loyalty discount ride, you know, just in case.....'
      BobC wrote: I think the gift shop the relatives will undoubtedly be channeled through on their way out would be even worse.....'get your souvenir photos right here folks. Buy an extra set and we'll sign you up for the family loyalty discount ride, you know, just in case.....'
      :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
        It might be morbid but i wouldnt mind going out like that.
        A last hoorah!
        It beats being bed ridden your last few days on earth.
        If you could choose between a slow death and a joyride...
          Frans wrote: It might be morbid but i wouldnt mind going out like that.
          A last hoorah!
          It beats being bed ridden your last few days on earth.
          If you could choose between a slow death and a joyride...
          +1. Also been trying to plan my own funeral. I know it is an occasion for those left behind and as such, they get to pick how they want it. I would like my ashes to be thrown in a hole in the yard where the family will plant a tree. Then a big party with a rock band and booze right there. None of that morbid black suits and sarmies.
            Lord Farquart wrote: +1. Also been trying to plan my own funeral. I know it is an occasion for those left behind and as such, they get to pick how they want it. I would like my ashes to be thrown in a hole in the yard where the family will plant a tree. Then a big party with a rock band and booze right there. None of that morbid black suits and sarmies.
            What?!?! Those sarmies are the best. I never get to have such lekker sarmies as I do at a funeral. It's the only thing that makes funerals worth the while.
              Promise $10.000.000 if one survive this, and you're rich.
                This actually ruined my morning.
                a sharp right to dispose of the bodies.

                Death behold Euthanasia coaster
                  I bet this ride would be a lot scarier KNOWING for a fact that you won't make it off alive, as opposed to that percieved sense of falling off the coaster. Still think it's really funny though ?
                    ...and the sign at the ticket booth states 'You must be 'this' sick to ride'

                      ticket to ride....

                      must be a song or 2 in this subject .....

                        Terminal velocity - Saxon

                        Actually quite appropriate......

                          The Last Ride - Todd Rundgren
                            Knocking On Heaven's Door- Bob Dylan
                            Fade To Black - Metallica
                              BassBarry wrote:Fade To Black - Metallica
                              Hahaha. Good one!

                              Roxette - Joyride
                              AC/DC - Highway to Hell
                              Tracy Chapman - Fast Car
                                I'm so happy that you showed me this.

                                  LOL! This is hilarious and the songs make it even better. How cool if they played one of them during the ride? ?
                                    Norio wrote: LOL! This is hilarious and the songs make it even better. How cool if they played one of them during the ride? ?
                                    In MGM Studios (one of the Disney World parks in Orlando, FL) there is a ride called the Rock-n-Roller Coaster. The whole thing is built around the Aerosmith theme. It's pretty awesome and for the entire duration of the ride you have two speakers behind your head blasting you with Aerosmith music. I can only imagine being blasted with Fade to Black as you're fading to black. ?