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I'm off to Zambia for 3 moths. I'll try check in from there.
Now you kids stay off mah lawn while I'm gone!
    Cool, whereabouts you going? I spent a fair amount of time working in Zambia a few years ago. ?
      safe journey bud.
        Have a good one Bud, travel safely and enjoy...
          Spent some time in Kitwe and Chingola when I was an anklebiter. Enjoy and stay safe.
            Zambia's a nice quiet spot to practice ?
            Enjoy the Afcon celebrations!
              3 months later
              Back to civilisation.

              This car stood across the street, a common site in Zambodia. One day a truck came past, 20 guys jumped into the mud, picked it up and hauled it off.

              The kinda stuff I did for 12 weeks, make brackets for sensors etc.

              I had to climb up the side of this tower, weld on a bracket every 2 meters, climbed up again to secure the cable tray, and again to tie on the cables. The tower sways with the wind.
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