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Looking for a good quality travel guitar

These are on the short list

Martin LX1E

Baby Taylor

Cort Earth Mini

    AcousticJunkie wrote: I have been working on a music workspace at home with a good DAW. Will also need a good looper for live gigs................
    I never planned to have that on my GAS list. But an unplanned gig came up and I want to sing some of my own stuff. If you're not a full time musician, get ready for some late nights... ?
      I have no GAS. ..Damn!!!, it feels good to be GAS free. 8)

      But, you guys must buy buy buy!!! so that you keep the music stores & importers buzzing. ?

        GAS list 2012:


        - Cort AC15

        - A better quality ukulele. (Anything better than my "toy" uke I have at the moment)

        - Depending on how far I can stretch my GAS fund this year maybe a Cort Mandolin.


        - VOX Pathfinder 15R


        - Tube Screamer or Joyo Vintage Overdrive pedal

        - Volume pedal

        - Looper pedal (Possibly a Boss RC-2, nothing too fancy)

        REALLY REALLY hope to fulfill this list this year ?
          GAS is planned? ??? ???
            Good point Wizard, going to pick up that Stagg after work... ?

            :-\ Will have to hide it from the girlfriend for a while, after I told her there is no money for valentines dinner....
              Mannoroth wrote: Tokai guitar - Probably an LP. About 90% there, just need a little bit more persuasion ? I've heard so many good things about them - there are about 3 models to choose from - for a lefty that's insane variety!
              You don't need more persuasion now. You need to go play some guitars. If the stores don't have enough lefties in stock, maybe TokaiSA has some that he can let you try out. My LS150 was the best guitar purchase I've made. Would have been worth it at half as much again as I paid.
                have decided that, regardless of the fact that i'm penniless in the have-no-money-for-GAS sense of the word, i simply must have a les paul with humbuckers. at this point, chances are it'll be a tokai - my third. even considering offloading my p-90 goldtop in favour of the humbucker-equipped equivalent. alternatively i (might) look at letting my much-beloved prs go if i can get a decent consideration and home for it. the prs could see me into a new guitar and amp, which is why i'm even considering it...

                ah well, there we go. GAS is horrible, makes you think all sorts of nasty thoughts...
                  5 days later
                  I want one of these:

                  Epiphone Les Paul Standard plus top in trans amber ...... OR ......... Vintage V100 Lemon Drop, oh yes and a boss blues driver pedal. ?

                  By the way I'm flat broke so anyone wanting to donate any of these just PM me!!!!! ? ? ? ?
                    Blackstar Series One 45w combo or Blackstar HT60 combo

                    TC Electronics - Flashback delay
                    Line 6 M5
                    New pedalboard- pedaltrain or trex?!

                    New guitar up to £1000 - it's my 40th at the end of the month and the wife has said I can get a new one!! But what will it be.....

                      5 days later
                      MXR Bass compressor, Tech 21 VT Bass Deluxe and a 4-string fretless acoustic bass. Don't think I'll muster up the cash for all of those, but at least the compressor!!!
                        10 days later
                        I have everything I need (but everything I want is a different story...) A black Nighthawk would be worth getting in trouble with the wife for.
                          Got the ball rolling on this beauty last year but I'm only getting it in 2 weeks and that will be me GAS'd out for the next couple of years.....at least that's what I told her..... :?

                            Already bought a lot of stuff this year, but I'm eagerly awaiting the release of the ZVEX Sonar ... ?
                              GAS LIST 2012

                              HIWATT MAXWATT G100R

                              MXR CARBON COPY ANALOG DELAY
                              MXR GT-OD
                                Would love a small 15W or so valve amp....but my daughter gets born in 6 weeks so I'll have to wait...lets see...20 years for the amp ?
                                  Mannemarak wrote: Would love a small 15W or so valve amp....but my daughter gets born in 6 weeks so I'll have to wait...lets see...20 years for the amp ?
                                  Congratulations on the forthcoming birth!! I have two boys aged 2 & 4 and yes the money suddenly gets pointed in different directions ! So I teach guitar part time to fund my w**d and guitar 'pedal' needs! (used to read "fund my porn, w**d and GUITAR needs!)
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