Yeah well, i`m just pissed off that i can`t make music my life....if i could then i would have, started too late, very little music theory etc.
I`am pissed off that i have to sit in a stupid office and calculate what the transport costs are going to be, logistics....i hate it!!!
Hey Quinus
It's never too late, I am still learning and it's what makes my life. Dont write yourself off, there is still a lot you can achieve.
But I do agree with you, the whole corporate thing is a drag
I will never stop playing, it`s what i do...when all my buds go out and drink i`ll stay home and relax by playing guitar - i just wish i started sooner.
hehe ok I chose the SAS32EXFM, it's the finish that got me.
But then again I prefer the RGA 121 because it has the least paint job. (not too big on painting/spraying a guitar)
dammit why did I vote before I thought about it.
@ Quinus : What is that white baby you got there ?
It is a epiphone LP Custom with Seymour duncan`s. Afraid it`s not the Gibson if that is what u were thinking?? ?
Explorerlover.....u got one of my dream guits....the esp eclipse, lucky bastard!!!
@Quinus i got the same guitar ?,but i took the scratch plate off and changed the control knobs to gold,gonna throw in some EMGs when i get the bucks
Tough choice...
JS20S but with a new paint-job. Probably plain white or something simple.
RGA121 if it has a floyd-rose version.
SAS32EXFM with different pickups.
But just as they are, none. The JS20S, for me, would be a collector's piece not a guitar I'd play every day. (Even though it has all the features I want, you can't play art, it's like, wrong ?)
Prefer the Ibanez hollowbody electrics, but I picked the JS20S for the Silver Surfer artwork ?
I can only base this vote on looks because I have only played on the RG. So I vote for the SAS32EXFM !
Quinus Kok wrote:
It is a epiphone LP Custom with Seymour duncan`s. Afraid it`s not the Gibson if that is what u were thinking?? ?
I was wondering, because it looks a lot like my Eclipse
The RGA ?
the best Ibby i've ever played, including the JS, Jem and my old RG2550.
+1 with the JEM..because i think its quite pretty for a guitar plus a moerse trem cavity for some serious whammy work...and the monkey grip (weight training + guitar workout all rolled into one)
What i'd actually like to have is a Ibby Universe 8)
RGA121 guys ? For balls to the wall metal I would say Xiphos, but then agin i'm biased ?