howdy. having recently sold my blues jnr, i am currently stuck with my vox ac4tv. (and when i say i'm stuck with it, it's not like i'm regretting the puchase - i love this little thing!) i have the head 'n cab version - not that there's too much of a difference, it's just a 12" versus a 10" speaker in the combo. the blues jnr had built in reverb, and it's the only feature i'm missing on this li'l amp, so i'm considering getting a pedal. it needs to be on the inexpensive side, or extremely worth it and versatile, because my next amp purchase is likely to be the albion tct35c, which does have built in reverb. so this pedal purchase would need to suit my purposes for both.
other pedals i might use with it - boss bd-2, vox wah, and maybe because i have it, but am highly unlikely to use it, boss ds-1.
i'd love to have your thoughts, thanks
other pedals i might use with it - boss bd-2, vox wah, and maybe because i have it, but am highly unlikely to use it, boss ds-1.
i'd love to have your thoughts, thanks