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Hi all

I was looking through the Reaper forums and found this fantastic thread called 'Why do your recordings sound like ass?' I can safely say that it is one of the best general recording 'resources' I have found. Take a look, but you'll need PLENTY time to read through it ?

    Shot! I have found that forum extremely useful in the past ?
      Thanks for the link! There's so much info out there that it's hard to find gems like this.
        Excellent thread. Definitely bookmarked. Thanks.
          Thanks Garth.

          I'm reading it now. I'm still on the first page, but already if I nod my head in agreement one more time, it'll drop off. ?
            I'm only on page 3 of 51 ??? but WOW, there is some great stuff in there!
              My fave quote so far:
              Nowadays every musician is supposed to sound like a sonic super-hero. The bass player who earns his living as a professional octave pedal with tattoos and who occasionally plays a leading seventh must be clearly heard, for all to appreciate his seventh-playing prowess in all its glory. The punk guitarist palm-muting quarter-notes in the key of the fretboard dots has to have sixteen tracks lest the chunka-chunka fail to overwhelm and subdue any aspect of the listener's central nervous system. The DJ whose sheer artistry allows him to hold a headphone with a single shoulder while simultaneously operating a fader and playing records must not be made to feel like a second-class citizen by having his performance obscured by more pedantic forms of music.
                thanks Garth...good stuff here
                  Great read, thanks!

                  One thing he mentions is hearing a "ringing phone" type noise on certain modern records, which is amazing because this happens to me pretty often: I'll be listening to a CD in the car and there are some tracks where it always sounds like my cell is ringing or something. Does anyone else experience this?
                    Thanks dude, i got till page 3.............. now to get to number 52
                      I was surprised to re-read this and realize many of the things I've internalized as 'everyday common sense', actually came from that article. (Being a Reaperite I read it what feels like a long time ago.)

                      The single simplest, best piece of advice ever has to be that volume leveling tip.
                        Anyone selling a pair 'o cheap monitors? :-[

                        But seriously. This what it must have been like reading, On The Origin of Species when it first came out. I'm all like, "Ooooohh. Of course!"

                        I finally have a bit of a grasp on why kids are still picking up records from the sixties and seventies, and why records now days sound so uninspired.
                          11 days later
                          singemonkey wrote: Anyone selling a pair 'o cheap monitors? :-[
                          Check your PM's about some monitors

                          And yea, this is awesome info.

                            2 months later
                            Just a bump on this,

                            Really good thread, great stuff, pity it gets lost a little toward the end (took me a whilst to get there ? )

                            If you like this you may enjoy
                            who shares a similar philosophy (if you can call it that)

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