Does anyone know where you can buy guitar frets? Not pre-cut ones since they are too small for what i want to use them for, and preferably in South Africa. I want to avoid importing atm hehe.
Guitar frets
Pre-cuts would suit almost any situation . . . . what are you up to????
2 Strings extra! ?
Aaaah . . . gotcha
I have a bunch of medium/medium fretwire (from stewmac, uncut 1ft lengths).
PM me.
I have a bunch of medium/medium fretwire (from stewmac, uncut 1ft lengths).
PM me.
Awesome. Was hoping for jumbo fretwire since want a pretty fast neck hehehe.
no jumbo`s here just 747`s..
i have wide medium here where are you based
i have wide medium here where are you based
If it's for an 8 string I wouldn't bother going anything but jumbo and make sure you get really good quality frets at that, I would recommend either Dunlop 6100 or 6000. The smaller frets suck when it comes to those nice big low strings and you'll find yourself wearing through them in a matter of months, my RG2228 came with frets that were the right size but IMO a little too soft so I don't think it's going to last more than a year before I will be at the point where I need new frets and no dressing can save them. You can to my knowledge you can order frets from dunlop in cylindrical containers that are actually long cuts from a reel, other than that you'll have to try StewMac...Demigod wrote: 2 Strings extra! ?
I'm not really too mad about the tone you get from smaller sized frets but thats just opinion :?
@ Chad: Exactly. Ola Strandberg said I can use his guitar design so its going to be an EGS ERG^^ (Once i get wood ?)