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  • so i failed my license.......again......

but this time it was different, and i know the topic shouldnt be political, this isnt i promise, just bear with me.

so i do the yard test perfectly, get like 9 points right, and we head to the road test, all is going well, despite me getting irritated by the lady officer that keeps snorting like a pig...

next thing, i stop at a stop street, do the whole handbrake and observe and what not and just as i pull off a car comes to the right of me that i somehow didnt see while "observing", so as i was already in motion i just carried on going.

anyway, we get back to the office and she tells me that i have failed bcoz of the dangerous act i did, BUT, she says, "do you know what labola is? i reply yeah sure, she then says, "well how much labola will you pay to "fix" your mistake?"

i find it really strange how they can think they can just bribe people like that, so my reply was this, "i made a mistake and ill pay the consequences, but as for your labola, im white and we dont pay labola!"

so, being a good citizen and not accepting the bribe, i failed the test for......wait for it.........the FOURTH time!!!!!

ahhhh, so frustrated now, what action can i take???

well, if you read this far im grateful....i just needed to vent!!!!
    • [deleted]

    Name and Shame..

    Write in to 702, name the department... name the officer if you remeber. report the Bastid >☹
      Sorry to hear about your ordeal. If it makes you feel any better, I failed my license three times before I eventually got it on the fourth. The second time I failed it was a clear case of the tester making stuff up about "things" I was doing. Not sure whether they were trying to set me up for a bribe or just having a bad day, or whatever...

      In any case, you should report the incident to the testing office at the very least. Try to find someone as senior as you can, and take one of your parents with you so that you can ensure the complaint is formally logged.

      As for passing, you can only keep trying. I eventually went to a different testing station populated by actual humans, and I passed there.

      EDIT: Also - what Brent said!
        i predict this thread gonna be iced before it gets to 2 pages ?
          IceCreamMan wrote: i predict this thread gonna be iced before it gets to 2 pages ?
          Well before it does, I'd just want to get my 2 cents. LODGE THAT STUFF!! We here about bribes that happen all the time, and its just criminal, I'm not saying you failed because you did not pay her, but the fact that she even offered it (regardless of race or creed) deserves HER to suffer the consequences just like you did. I hate corruption.

          You will ace the test next time, you will see ?
            FruitarGeek wrote:
            Well before it does, I'd just want to get my 2 cents. LODGE THAT STUFF!! We here about bribes that happen all the time, and its just criminal, I'm not saying you failed because you did not pay her, but the fact that she even offered it (regardless of race or creed) deserves HER to suffer the consequences just like you did. I hate corruption.
              mity88 wrote: ahhhh, so frustrated now, what action can i take???
              Start off by writing down as much as you can remember - now, whilst it's fresh in your mind. Try to find a way of being able to establish that your notes were made at a certain date and time.

              I tell you this because I was recently approached with an offer to sort out a particular problem (don't ask, I'm not telling) in return for a sum of money in cash, used notes, in a plain envelope. So I sought the advice of a good friend who is a partner in a legal firm. The contemporaneous notes can be useful if you want to go all the way to court. I put mine on box.net where the audit trail will prove that I uploaded them at a certain date and time.

              If you can't remember the name of the person who solicited the bribe, or have some kind of link (appointment number, signed score card etc) that puts them in the car with you at that date and time you're not going to get very far.

              Be very circumspect as to who you share the information with. Charges of corruption are a serious matter and you should be discrete with the details of the incident.

              Sit on things for a day or so and see if you still feel the urge to lay a complaint and if you're prepared to go through with what could be an ugly fight.

              Then remember that it's their word against yours. If you want to lay a formal complaint it is up to you to prove the case.

              DO NOT bring any racial aspect into any reports that you prepare. Corruption, as I recently found out, knows no racial boundaries, and bringing that matter up just gives a lawyer an easy way of painting you as a racist with a chip on your shoulder and an extra agenda.

              And in amongst all of that find some time to congratulate yourself for not being a party to corruption. You did the right thing!

              For me the last is actually the most important. If people don't play the game then corruption will slowly but surely wither.
                Back in SA I also failed once, because I did not make use of a driving school.... Apparently they have some arrangement regarding kickbacks.

                Second time I passed, but when they were completing my paperwork and the next person arrived, the officer made some remark about "thinking" that I would be the last one to pass that day. Sounded more like his mind was made.

                Soon now I will take on the Namibian system as I need to get a motorcycle license. After 7 years my wife finally allowed me to get one. I used to ride before I met her....
                  Brentcgp wrote: Name and Shame..

                  Write in to 702, name the department... name the officer if you remeber. report the Bastid >☹
                  I dont know how much that is going to help hey? This is how the place works here, so fit in or .... you know. You get places by paying the necessary..... just the way it is from the bottom to the top - sun zoom spark. So call the anti corruption line if you want to have a really good laugh. go on, I dare you - but you've got to have some time on your hands.
                    djpauw wrote: Back in SA I also failed once, because I did not make use of a driving school.... Apparently they have some arrangement regarding kickbacks.
                    Some may, but there's another aspect to this. Passing a driver's test is not just a matter of being able to drive a car. There are all sorts of particular actions you are supposed to take (the whole inspection of the car before you move off, looking in mirrors all the time etc) and things that you are supposed to do beyond just being able to demonstrate control of the vehicle.

                    Any schmuck can teach you to drive a vehicle in a controlled fashion, knowing all these other aspects to the test and what the examiners may spring on you is a different matter.

                    Many years ago when I wanted a driver's license I went to a school and took some lessons. They drove me around the area close to the testing grounds and showed me all the traps that lay in wait for you EG the examiner says "take the next right" and the next ROAD you come to is a one-way to your LEFT.

                    Your chances are improved by taking some lessons with a professional driving teacher - and not just because of the reasons that you suggest.
                      Really unfortunate mity88. People like this betray their job, and as public servants, they betray their country. You, on the other hand, at some cost to yourself, did the right thing. Every person who doesn't give in to this BS slows the march of corruption - hopefully slowing it sufficiently that a future reformer will find the job of stamping it out easier. Not paying a bribe does not make you a sucker. It makes you a worker towards a better future.

                      No one has the right to rail against corruption if they pay bribes. The person paying is as much a part of the corruption as the person soliciting the bribe. As Bob said, corruption is not restricted by race, or nationality, or political affiliation - witness the conviction this week of the US governor who tried to sell Obama's vacated governorship of Chicago to the highest bidder.
                        Ray wrote:
                        I dont know how much that is going to help hey? This is how the place works here, so fit in or .... you know. You get places by paying the necessary..... just the way it is from the bottom to the top - sun zoom spark. So call the anti corruption line if you want to have a really good laugh. go on, I dare you - but you've got to have some time on your hands.
                        Totally disagree.

                        If we all sat around going "this is how things work" nothing would ever change. It doesn't always work, but if you don't at least try to follow the channels on offer you can be 100% comfortable that you'll see no improvement.
                          mity88 wrote: "i made a mistake and ill pay the consequences, but as for your labola, im white and we dont pay labola!"
                          Oh we do pay labola, if you have a girlfriend you pay it... culture just represents it different.
                            Brentcgp wrote: Name and Shame..

                            Write in to 702, name the department... name the officer if you remeber. report the Bastid >☹
                            That's Baas-ted, Brent
                              Failed twice myself when all my friends passed one shot so I know how it feels.
                              Great that you didn't stand for that, it's ruining our country. You sir, are a man of integrity. 8)
                              MIKA the better one wrote:
                              mity88 wrote: "i made a mistake and ill pay the consequences, but as for your labola, im white and we dont pay labola!"
                              Oh we do pay labola, if you have a girlfriend you pay it... culture just represents it different.
                              True story Mika. ?
                                Here in the Cape ... here we go ... very casual. In my son's case - The Driving instructors are waiting outside for the Learner's Licencees. We heard that testing stations outside of CT are easier, so when an instructor approached us from one of the towns we grabbed him. I had to drive my son thro for 3 or 4 lessons.

                                Not only does he take you on the exact route you're going to do - he even takes you into the exact yard you are going to do the test in. And he had a whole stack of people he was teaching!

                                Crazy. And there was no bribery - just pay the guy his normal fee.

                                With hindsight I realise he probably bribed someone to let his students in the yard. It was on a Sunday as well soo... we never knew he was going to do this anyway. After a couple of years living here you learn these things.
                                  I know a chap that's taken the test and failed 9 times at various testing facilities. I think he's given up now and he just drives around now without a license.
                                    The Secret is to find a good Driving School that has a good reputation.
                                    I used Len Bates Driving school in the West Rand and they were so professional, they knew which testing stations to avoid and also what the traits were of all the testing station etc.

                                    When I was ready for the test, they gave me a list of the testing stations that were not corrupt.
                                    when I booked at Xavier Junction in Ormonde, they knew the testing yard and then helped me with parking on a slope etc. They also knew the majority of the routes that are used at the Station. The Instructors always interrogate you after the test so they can get an idea of what goes on at the particular testing ground.
                                    So in my case, at Xavier Junction, they warned me that they were big on the sudden stop, so I was prepared.

                                    The best way to do it.

                                    Yes I did only get my licence at 46 :-[
                                      After watching "Hotel Rwanda" I have a different mindset about bribery.

                                      I'm not a fan of it though but if my (or my family's) life or freedom is dependent on me doing something untoward then I'll do it.
                                      As for licenses though by paying for a licence, which is a convenience matter btw, you are also jeopardising safety of yourself, and others which includes children. THAT is unacceptable IMO.

                                      Report them while you can, protect the other people and we here appreciate that.
                                        Donovan Banks wrote: After watching "Hotel Rwanda" I have a different mindset about bribery.
                                        Shades of grey. Depending upon how tight the spot is, well, you do what you can to get out of it, right? Sometimes it's better to be extorted and stay alive.