ActionArnie wrote:
Excuse my ignorance, how exactly does a guitar clinic usually work? Does everyone just come and sit and watch the guy giving tips and techniques?
Yeah pretty much like this, you sit down and he plays a couple songs talks technique and maybe gear and he may answer questions ?
This is pretty much the coolest thing ever ever ever, heard about it two or three weeks ago but didn't wanna go spilling the beans before it had been officialised ? First we get Mattias Eklundh and now Guthrie Govan, if Bumblefoot had come down this country would have experienced the holy trinity of zappa-esque guitar music in my mind. It's going to be amazing though, the man is an incredibly good teacher. Not only will it be mind blowing to really see him in action but I'm sure everyone will walk away all the better for it having really learnt and understood new concepts that would motivate them to expand their playing ? Now I'm gonna stop waffling, shut up, sit in a corner and grin maniacally like a monkey on crack ?