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Demigod wrote: I'll do that and abaout paint, how many layers and of what should i apply?
I'm not anywhere near an expert on paint, maybe someone like Mr Ratcliffe could fill you in better on the specifics. Your guitar has a mahogany body though so why not do something like stain it black and then oil it? Have a natural black finish, like the RG321MH WK?

Just a thought? Often with the thicker coats of solid colours they tend to be too thickly applied and this can impede resonance a little, if you go with a nice lightweight stained oil finish it could give you a slight bit more resonance, it may not as realistically Ibanez probably have machine controlled paint guns or something that most likely don't screw up the thickness of the coat ? I do think that the stained oil finish would be easier to do on your own without f***ing up ? Also you could look into dark shades of red and things like that as well which could look pretty dope ?

In the interim, more 7 & 8 string jazz \?/

Oh! Holy crap what is this? an 8 string resonator ?

    a month later
    Hi there, good to see some ERG action here ?

    I ordered a Schecter ATX8 last year November and after many problems with delivery I cancelled my order last week. I started pricing The Ibanez models and even the Agile ones.
    Finally I found a second hand KXK on Sevenstring.org.

    At this moment i think Agiles are definitely the best "Bang for your Buck" brand out there.
    Every now and again they even have "custom" runs, and at those prices.
    What more can you ask for?

    Aaaaand black's not the only color ?
      Styles wrote: Finally I found a second hand KXK on Sevenstring.org.
      I am jelly....

      Is it the all purple one?

      I will hunt you for it...



      Seriously though amped to see the NGD, you won't find too many of us ERG players on here but I think there is a fair footing among the regulars ?
        Yup, that's the one. . . Buahahahahaha!

        Should have it in a month's time. I was quite keen on the Schecter. If the 26.5 didn't work for F# or E I would have used standard 7-string tuning with a high A a la Scale the Summit. Chris Letchford is the man!
          Styles wrote: Yup, that's the one. . . Buahahahahaha!
          You sir are a lucky f***er ?

          For those who haven't seen it, here's the guitar in question...

          Styles wrote: Should have it in a month's time. I was quite keen on the Schecter. If the 26.5 didn't work for F# or E I would have used standard 7-string tuning with a high A a la Scale the Summit. Chris Letchford is the man!
          I think trying to tune up to that high A on a 26,5" scale would break lots of strings ? Scale the Summit are amazing and Chris Letchford kicks major ass! ? I think his 8 string is a 25,5" scale though....

          So much awesome ?
            Yes he does use a 25.5 inch scale. Soooo much winsauce? For the high a you can order a 008 from www.Octave8.com.

            Unfortunately the seller told me this morning that he decided to sell the KxK to a friend locally☹ This is after confirming that i'm buying it and that the money would be deposited on Monday. :'(

            I'm pretty bummed. I'm gonna order one from Strictly7 now.


            i could already taste the grapeness
              Wow that purple thing looks cool! Same shape as the RG2888?
              Have you thought about fanned frets?
                Styles wrote: And Strictly7 doesn't do fanned fret as far as I know.
                IMO I'm not a huge fan of strictly 7, but that is probably mainly caused by the fact that I have never seen them do an AANJ neck joint and without one it's a bet meh in my mind. Also they don't have the necessary tools to bend maple tops so you have to choose between a pretty top or having a forearm contour, which is also a bit meh to me.
                  They actually do a AANJ. The neck-through they do is comparable to KxK's neck-through. The workmanship and materials used when factoring the price is very favorable. At least for what I want.
                    a month later
                    Dude that guitar is hawt. Makes me jealous ?
                      6 months later
                      Anybody been checking out the Carvin DC800 guitars?


                      The e-mail I received after an enquiry was prompt and helpfull.

                      $1064 for the basic black with silver hardware maple neckthru body with alder wings. Hardcase included.

                      Start adding your flame maple top, see-through colours and Stainless steel frets and it gets a bit more expensive but it works out cheaper than the Ibanez RG2228.

                      Hmmmmmmm . . . I see a Carvin in my future ?
                        Yeah thats a real good price. I don't know If you guys are familiar with Hufschmid guitars, but they are seriously the most beautiful guitars I've seen ever. I've been completely converted to custom guitars.

                          The Carvins are amazing value for money, I highly recommend them if you're looking for a good 8 string, so far none of the reviews I've seen have had any negative comments except for the occasional botch up like not putting a logo on the guitar - which hardly affects playability or tone ? Had these been out a few years ago I probably would have rather gone this route than the RG2228. I wouldn't go neck-thru though, but that's just me ?

                          Hufschmid is cool, but he's a bit of a narcisist and his guitars run into incredibly ridiculous price tags, which are and aren't warranted in some ways - Personally I hate the fact that he can't do contour tops on anything that's been drop topped - It looks so horrible to have the body would sticking out at the forearm contour. If you were pricing out an Agile before then be warned as his guitars are a good 4x - 5x more expensive. The 8 strings are well into the $4,5k range and I've never seen an 8 under $3,5k from him to my knowledge. If I were going custom there are a whole bunch of other luthiers I'd prefer to deal with, but as I'm a guitarist and not a lawyer/doctor/CEO I guess I won't be going custom any time soon ?.
                            Hahahaha Chad, believe me, I'm very well aware of his ridiculous price tags. He's much more expensive than even Ola Strandberg.
                            And with custom I mean like hardcore custom. Making the whole guitar yourself. I just meant that I'm done with commercial factory guitars.
                            What do you mean with drop contour tops? And where would the body be sticking out?
                            The woods he uses are simply gorgeous though ?
                              Demigod wrote: Hahahaha Chad, believe me, I'm very well aware of his ridiculous price tags. He's much more expensive than even Ola Strandberg.
                              Not really...If you get in touch with Ola and spec out a .Strandberg* similarly to a Hufschmid in terms of wood etc they come out the same price, the prices on the .Strandberg* website are mainly just base prices. I'd rather have a .Strandberg* though, they're just better in so many elements of ergonomics, and you can get Ola to use stupidly figured woods if you ask him.
                              Demigod wrote: Making the whole guitar yourself.
                              This is a touchy subject as often people think they could build a better guitar than what comes off of say the Ibanez/Jackson/ESP production line, and quite often they don't realise how much craftsmanship has actually gone into any of these "production brands".
                              Demigod wrote: I just meant that I'm done with commercial factory guitars.
                              Nothing wrong with a nicely made factory guitar, often custom doesn't really equate to better value for money or even necessarily a better guitar, just one that is made to a set of specs that you've determined. Sure there are builders like Hufschmid who no doubt make amazing guitars, but unfortunately the concept of tone is highly subjective and just because someone has a Hufschmid doesn't mean they'll never pick up a Fender/Ibanez/ESP/Jackson etc that really resonates with them that they feel they'd be all the richer for having, thankfully we're not tied down to only owning one guitar ?
                              Demigod wrote: What do you mean with drop contour tops? And where would the body be sticking out?
                              Hufschmid doesn't seem to bend his tops on the forearm contour, so often in the part where your forearm rests you'll see the body wood sticking out in the corner on his top contoured models. I just think it ruins the entire appearance to do that rather than bend your top wood.
                                Chad Adam Browne wrote:Not really...If you get in touch with Ola and spec out a .Strandberg* similarly to a Hufschmid in terms of wood etc they come out the same price, the prices on the .Strandberg* website are mainly just base prices. I'd rather have a .Strandberg* though, they're just better in so many elements of ergonomics, and you can get Ola to use stupidly figured woods if you ask him.
                                Well, that was when I last had a look. But yes, I agree with you that .strandberg guitars are funky ant therefore awesome.?

                                Regarding the custom guitars, production guitars are awesome in a lot of ways, and I don't mean that that I make would be "better" than an Ibanez, I just think its nice to have a completely unique guitar. And personally I think that custom guitars are among the worst regarding value for money.
                                Chad Adam Browne wrote:Hufschmid doesn't seem to bend his tops on the forearm contour, so often in the part where your forearm rests you'll see the body wood sticking out in the corner on his top contoured models. I just think it ruins the entire appearance to do that rather than bend your top wood.
                                Aaah, now I get it. Well thats just weird that he doesn't do it. What's the use of a beautiful top if you carve a chunk of it away?

                                Finally got the hang of that quote function hehe ?
                                  Hufschmidt's guitars are awesome. Almost in the same vein as Blackmachine.

                                  Unfortunately he doesn't have the machine you need to steam the top for the forearm contour. Strictly7 had the same problem but I think they have that resolved.
                                  Invictus guitars are making some tasy Pieces now as well . . . VERY nice 8's at good prices.
                                  The nice thing about Carvin is that you get more choice for your buck.
                                  It would be nice if they offered a passive route.
                                    I believe you can get a passive route if you ask them nicely ?
                                    It's not about the lack of equipment. If you have a pot and boiling water and a vice or clamps you can curve the wood.