I'm not anywhere near an expert on paint, maybe someone like Mr Ratcliffe could fill you in better on the specifics. Your guitar has a mahogany body though so why not do something like stain it black and then oil it? Have a natural black finish, like the RG321MH WK?Demigod wrote: I'll do that and abaout paint, how many layers and of what should i apply?

Just a thought? Often with the thicker coats of solid colours they tend to be too thickly applied and this can impede resonance a little, if you go with a nice lightweight stained oil finish it could give you a slight bit more resonance, it may not as realistically Ibanez probably have machine controlled paint guns or something that most likely don't screw up the thickness of the coat ? I do think that the stained oil finish would be easier to do on your own without f***ing up ? Also you could look into dark shades of red and things like that as well which could look pretty dope ?
In the interim, more 7 & 8 string jazz \?/
Oh! Holy crap what is this? an 8 string resonator ?