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Demigod wrote: Anyone thinks this is a bad idea? (The stock pickups cant be unusable can it?) ?
I think it's a great idea, however IMO the specs of the Agile are a little better for the cash. Looney gets good results out of the stock pickups, but in the end the pickup swop will make an enormous difference.
    I'm definitely going to do a pickup swap, whether i get an agile or ibanez. And for the price the RGA actually works out cheaper ?
      Just get anything and learn to play it. There's only a few choices out there so they probably haven't made the 'perfect' 8-string yet.
      You can customize it or get a better one some day. That is if you're not broke from wasting all ur hours playing 8-string! ?

      @CHad Glad u like my tone results despite the pickups ?
        You guys got me curious about 8 strings so I took a look at take2.co.za and found these...


        or perhaps a walnut stain?


        8 string Schecters for R4800 with shipping... (If I understand their import process correctly, I've asked in a couple threads, you'll just have to pay for the local shipping to your location from what I have gathered from take2's emails as well.)
          damn they look real nice but unfortunately they only have 26.5" scales ☹
            Chad Adam Browne wrote:
            The bridge is actually the same as used on the prestige model but the nut is lower quality, you can purchase the prestige Gotoh replacement nut here: http://www.ibanezrules.com/parts.htm#Nuts They are Item: 2LN00AA001
            LOL is there a specific reason the nut is more expensive than a EMG 808? 0_o
              11 days later
              Awesome! I got my Ibanez RGA8 on monday and its absolutely gorgeous! (Was doubtfull at first on whether the pickups suck, but after you get it, you really realise it lol.)
              My only pain is the 24th frett access but np :-[
                Demigod wrote: Awesome! I got my Ibanez RGA8 on monday and its absolutely gorgeous! (Was doubtfull at first on whether the pickups suck, but after you get it, you really realise it lol.)
                Congratulations dude!

                We look forward to seeing the NGD ?
                Demigod wrote: My only pain is the 24th frett access but np :-[
                If yours is one of the newer models, then you should have a bit of beveling in the actual cutaways to make the access there a bit better, the original run of these didn't have the bevels ☹
                Demigod wrote:
                Chad Adam Browne wrote: The bridge is actually the same as used on the prestige model but the nut is lower quality, you can purchase the prestige Gotoh replacement nut here: http://www.ibanezrules.com/parts.htm#Nuts They are Item: 2LN00AA001
                LOL is there a specific reason the nut is more expensive than a EMG 808? 0_o
                Well it is a custom manufactured 8 string locking nut? Made of really good metals as well, these sorts of things cost more to get made when you're doing them in smaller batches.
                  My RGA8 is the 2010 model (the ones with the bridge problem fixed) and as you say doesn't have cutouts.
                  But I'm thinking of modding it a little by using the RG2228's joint as a guidline to make way for better access. (The cafo sweep is really not fun to play at all if your hand constantly hits the body >☹)
                  So i'm thinking of cutting away a chuck from the horn...
                  Only thing is I'm worried that it will comprimise the strength of the guitar and neck joint (and if the neck will start flexing)
                  from this:

                  To this :

                  I should probably post this in the mods thread though....
                    Before doing that why not try beveling in the bottom cutaway? The way they do it on the current model, If it feels good then you'll have kept most of the structural integrity, if it doesn't well then hey you were gonna cut it away anyway...
                      Good point :-[
                      I'll do that and abaout paint, how many layers and of what should i apply?
                      And the NGD will come shortly ?
                        Demigod wrote: I'll do that and abaout paint, how many layers and of what should i apply?
                        I'm not anywhere near an expert on paint, maybe someone like Mr Ratcliffe could fill you in better on the specifics. Your guitar has a mahogany body though so why not do something like stain it black and then oil it? Have a natural black finish, like the RG321MH WK?

                        Just a thought? Often with the thicker coats of solid colours they tend to be too thickly applied and this can impede resonance a little, if you go with a nice lightweight stained oil finish it could give you a slight bit more resonance, it may not as realistically Ibanez probably have machine controlled paint guns or something that most likely don't screw up the thickness of the coat ? I do think that the stained oil finish would be easier to do on your own without f***ing up ? Also you could look into dark shades of red and things like that as well which could look pretty dope ?

                        In the interim, more 7 & 8 string jazz \?/

                        Oh! Holy crap what is this? an 8 string resonator ?

                          a month later
                          Hi there, good to see some ERG action here ?

                          I ordered a Schecter ATX8 last year November and after many problems with delivery I cancelled my order last week. I started pricing The Ibanez models and even the Agile ones.
                          Finally I found a second hand KXK on Sevenstring.org.

                          At this moment i think Agiles are definitely the best "Bang for your Buck" brand out there.
                          Every now and again they even have "custom" runs, and at those prices.
                          What more can you ask for?

                          Aaaaand black's not the only color ?
                            Styles wrote: Finally I found a second hand KXK on Sevenstring.org.
                            I am jelly....

                            Is it the all purple one?

                            I will hunt you for it...



                            Seriously though amped to see the NGD, you won't find too many of us ERG players on here but I think there is a fair footing among the regulars ?
                              Yup, that's the one. . . Buahahahahaha!

                              Should have it in a month's time. I was quite keen on the Schecter. If the 26.5 didn't work for F# or E I would have used standard 7-string tuning with a high A a la Scale the Summit. Chris Letchford is the man!
                                Styles wrote: Yup, that's the one. . . Buahahahahaha!
                                You sir are a lucky f***er ?

                                For those who haven't seen it, here's the guitar in question...

                                Styles wrote: Should have it in a month's time. I was quite keen on the Schecter. If the 26.5 didn't work for F# or E I would have used standard 7-string tuning with a high A a la Scale the Summit. Chris Letchford is the man!
                                I think trying to tune up to that high A on a 26,5" scale would break lots of strings ? Scale the Summit are amazing and Chris Letchford kicks major ass! ? I think his 8 string is a 25,5" scale though....

                                So much awesome ?
                                  Yes he does use a 25.5 inch scale. Soooo much winsauce? For the high a you can order a 008 from www.Octave8.com.

                                  Unfortunately the seller told me this morning that he decided to sell the KxK to a friend locally☹ This is after confirming that i'm buying it and that the money would be deposited on Monday. :'(

                                  I'm pretty bummed. I'm gonna order one from Strictly7 now.


                                  i could already taste the grapeness
                                    Wow that purple thing looks cool! Same shape as the RG2888?
                                    Have you thought about fanned frets?
                                      Styles wrote: And Strictly7 doesn't do fanned fret as far as I know.
                                      IMO I'm not a huge fan of strictly 7, but that is probably mainly caused by the fact that I have never seen them do an AANJ neck joint and without one it's a bet meh in my mind. Also they don't have the necessary tools to bend maple tops so you have to choose between a pretty top or having a forearm contour, which is also a bit meh to me.