Hammeron wrote:
nicovlogg wrote:
Well it's very hard to judge without knowing how you play - and what sounds you want. If you're recording, I think you need both. But then you can lend one. If you're just playing at home or gigging, get the one you most prefer, and that means play loads of guitars.
IMO the Tokai Teles are not as nice as their Les Paul copies - but maybe I just haven't had a nice one.
Les Paul Teles....?? ???
i think whats nicovlog saying is tokai make better les paul copies (as we know everyone seem to rave about them) than telecaster copies..........i have no opinion on that i have tried the tokai les pauls but still to try a telecaster copy,
but yes i too am actively seeking a good telecaster , but only a fender tho , and even amongst the fender tele's out there in stores i been playing a lot and not liking very many, ( but i am chasing a particular tele sound and look.... maple fretboard and preferably vintage white ) and the few i do like belong to people who won't sell ......
but i agree with what everyone said about use your ears and find a tele that sounds great to you.........
just today i went to a shop in zambezi rd pretoria (oosthavens music , just in case you interested in the guitar ?)
to check out a mint 2nd hand japanese Fender '62 custom reissue that they have on their wall in the amp room , i was told by another muso that this guitar is great and sounds awesome , and yes the build and feel were top class , but i plugged it in and i didn't like the tone... it was good but not that tone i was looking for ......... so i walked away from it ....... i was all ready to buy if i liked it despite it being the wrong colour red and with a rosewood neck
so sadly i'm still seeking a tele ,so that story is a great example how someone else loved the tone but i didn't yet it's still a great guitar , no debate on that , and will be a gem for someone