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  • Gear
  • Peavey - 6505+ 112 Combo

Hey guys,

Looking at getting an amp for practice / live setting, gonna be playing metal so cleans aren't really that important to me ?

So opinions on the above amp will most likely be playing it through my EC-1000 with EMG 80/60 in it and possibly and my Ibanez RGA121 Prestige with (D-Sonic/Air Nortons).

The price that i have found it for is R 7800.

Lemme know what you think guys!!!

Thanks ?
    Its a decent amp for metal.
    I'm using one of them on a recording this weekend, so would be cool to see how the combo performs.

    Does the place have stock where you get it from ?
    cause there is not much stock of the combo's in the country.
    the last one was sold a few weeks ago, but they might have brought in more.
      Hey man,

      Not sure if they have stock will try find out tommorow, also trying to compare prices at one or 2 other places if i can ?

      Sweet what are you gonna record with it metal / blues etc.. ?

      Let me know how it goes, Enjoy !!!
        all the video reviews I have seen show it to be a beast of an amp. And even though you aren't thinking about it, the clean is pretty good too. I would totally pull the triger on that one, would love to get one too!

        The low end is very tight, which is good of you're playing modern metal...
          6 days later
          I played it a couple times at Music Connection up here and its a beast?

          Its a made in China remember...but the build quality is very decent, for the price range you wont get a more decent high gain amp.

          It does the high gain perfectly, I played it with my PRS and did find a slight hum, but not disasterous... the cleans are standard but by no means bad... but i dont think you buy a 6505 for the clean channel eh?

          Its pretty big for a combo and is heavy(weight) but by no means Mesa heavy... its also an eye pleaser

          Good amp in my opinion
            Sweet what are you gonna record with it metal / blues etc.. ?
            for a metal band, job for a cowboy type genre.
            I ran the 6505 amp out into the marshall 4x12cab vintage 30's and bypassed the combo speaker.
            moved an sm57 around until i found something and thats it.

            It has nice clarity in the low and very clear down there, i think this is the best amp for down tunings.
              Thanks for all the helpfull replies guys, managed to wiggle the price down to R7000

              So.... really considering it now !!

              I heard it doesn't come with a footswitch but the guys are gonna throw one in, from reading on the net the actual Peavey footswitch is supposedly quite plasticky (wonder if that is a word) so i asked them to rather try give me a BOSS FS-6

                yeh Peavey amps are dumb like that ???

                When I had mine, I used a Marshall fs cause it was metal... the Peavey foots are cheaply built.

                The boss fs6 isnt bad, but me personally i prefer the button switch opposed to the flat switchs...prob because my eyesight isnt what it used to be?
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