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Ok so this is an appeal to every lead guitarist here,
Right, I now, after 3 years of playing, find myself in a posistion where the only logical step forward in jamming with my mates would be to either take up bass or start off with lead.
No band really needs two rhythem guitars.
Thing i really need to know is where do you start? I can learn most solo's but i dont wana play whats been played by say Kirk Hammend or Keith Richards, they own the feel of their music, anybody know any goods books or dvds that could start a guy off.
Id really appreciate any advice you guys have.
I'm not aiming to become Clapton or Bonamassa but acidents do happen.
    Get Guthrie Govan - Creative guitar 1&2, its a very good book for lead guitar.
      Manfred Klose wrote: Get Guthrie Govan - Creative guitar 1&2, its a very good book for lead guitar.
      +1 to these books, they are GREAT!!!!

      If you are not wanting to buy books.. I'd say start with scales.. Major and minor.. Then move onto pentatonics.. You'll find most of the old school rock guys use pentatonic minor scales, with some added blue's notes, for their solo's. Learn the 5 positions of the pentatonic scale in the key of Am/C... Then, when you are comfortable with that, start moving it around depending on what key you're in.
        There are also a tone of great guitar magazines that can help. A magazine like Guitar Techniques often has stuff on technique and theory, plus an audio cd so that you can hear the examples. That way, you also have a month time table to master one or two things without becoming overwhelmed.

        Also, one or two lessons with a teacher is always a good way to start and can often do way more than a book or cd can do...many guys, at all levels, take lessosn occasionally. If that's too formal, find a friend who plays lead and jam with them and get some tips.
          7 days later
          Ill try the lessons, learned the scales, major, minor, pentatonic minor, and blues, i just can`t figure out where to use what.
          Thanx all the same for the advise guys!
            • [deleted]

            Lol at this thread's topic... very punny... ?
              Paul E wrote:
              Manfred Klose wrote: Get Guthrie Govan - Creative guitar 1&2, its a very good book for lead guitar.
              +1 to these books, they are GREAT!!!!
              I fully agree with these men, still my favourite technique book ? Also an entertaining read, the man just has a very cool attitude and insightful tangents ?
                funny enough the man is on this months guitar technics, and i`ll definately find his books thanx
                  +1 To above mentioned comments
                  as well as:

                  I'm still of the opinion you should copy the solo's of your favorite guitarists (See Who do you want to play like ? Topic.)
                  Fact remains you will NOT sound like them unless you use exactly the same gear etc. even that won't be enough - no one can copy Eric Johnson's delicate touch for example.

                  That's how you develop your own style - especially for jazz.
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