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stev wrote: i bought from the guy and i got the item.
Interesting stev, seeing as you have the same email address that they use business.issues@hotmail.com Small world, hey?
    Not only a scammer, but not too bright either. Now banned. I'll leave his posts for posterity and his email addy for the spambots.
      We as a musical cummunity need to stand up to people who question our integrity and try to exploit the not that wealthy group of people that we are.
        Nicely done guys! The nerve of that guy, creating an account and thinking he can fool us all. You great scam-busting lot you!
          Kush wrote: Nicely done guys! The nerve of that guy, creating an account and thinking he can fool us all. You great scam-busting lot you!
          Yeah, not the sharpest...
          Well done at finding him out and thanks for sharing here guys. Such a valuable thread.
            Well done Reinhard! If everyone stays aware and smart, we can actually have a stable bullshit free musical community where everyone trusts each other.
              Reinhard!!!! What colour is your cloak??? Good man!! Well done and thanked!!

              Isn't it nice and doesn't it make you feel proud to be part of a community with morals and ethics.
                Lol, not a problem guys ? My cloak is Taos Turquoise (my new favourite strat colour).

                Gumtree was surprisingly quick to remove the ad 8)
                  GT have been very quick lately - I've reported a few things lately and response time seems to be down to a few hours. Try that on Bidorbuy - where you are lucky if they even respond before the ad completes, let alone remove the ad.

                  Hopefully we can make the musical instruments section on GT not worth trying to scam in and they'll move on to somewhere easier.

                    Be careful of this one, I had a very close inspection of it and it wtook it to a reputable luthier for inspection, it is NOT the original finish, someone has masked it off and resprayed gold paint over the original gold finish. The headstock logo was badly masked off and now 'indented' when you run a finger over it, the aged look and feel comes from the crappy re-finish job - all around the body and neck binding there is s distinctive bump where it was masked off. Thw worn look is actually green mould where the new paint has oxidised............
                    The serial number is real, and the git is a real Gibby, but it has really been buggered around with as far as finish goes.
                    Ok if you want a Les Paul, but not ok as originality goes and the finish is K@K................the luthier I took it to said it is a really nice sounding git, but is ruined as far as the finish goes, and the neck is so rough that after 20 min of serious playing your hand will be like sandpaper...

                    Just a heads up for anyone interested. No harm intended.
                    Eish to think I nearly swopped a new 60th anniversary Tele for it.............. :-[
                      I also nearly swapped my Gibson Explorer for it. It's a good sounding guitar no doubt, but that neck just didn't feel good to me, so I didn't go through with the deal. But hey, it is a real Gibson (albeit not original), maybe someone will like it.
                        a month later


                        The junkmail ad looked suspicious asking for any buyers to have cash on them.

                        Did some digging, found the exact same ad wording but different name and location.

                        I would be careful on this one.
                          Different location and different seller. I reckon this is a good and proper scam. Well spotted.
                            He knows so much about it and other guitars, sounds like he was at fender when they made it
                              14 days later
                              5 days later
                              warrenpridgeon wrote: Did Gibson bring out a Les Paul without the logo on the headstock? Just the Gibson name...

                              That's a 90's les paul standard, legit just missing a pickguard (right case too) the les paul custom has the diamond logo. The only thing dodgy about that guitar is the guitar strap!

                              Make sure that "little bump on head' hasn't caused more damage to the neck, that's a thin 60's neck.
                                22 days later