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  • Jul 25, 2017
  • Joined Sep 13, 2010
  • Very nice composition, just my kind of music and played perfectly. Well done, can't wait to hear more! ?
    • Hi

      Does anyone have any advice on insuring music gear. I have the usual household contents cover that doesn't specify the instruments :-[. This topic just reminded me that it's something that I've been putting off for another day.
      • With all this talk, I decided to drive down to check it out. At 6pm there was a +100 hungry people queuing down the street. I'm not that hungry :-\!!!
        • Hi
          I've downloaded a couple of Guitarist mags to my IPAD. The January 2013 of Guitarist Deluxe is now available for free!!! Includes the interactive CD content etc.etc. at a fraction of the cost +/- R50 depending on exchange rate. Download size +/- 500MB.

          Go e, go green & save em trees for important things like guitars.
          • I bought a used Fender Strat from Muscians Friend, free shipping. Paid on Thursday evening and it was delivered the next Tuesday! - I had to pay the Vat. There was nothing used about this guitar - plays like a dream. ?
            • Bringing in a 2nd hand (gently used) strat from Musician's Friend in the US. Free shipping this week! ?
              • Thanks for the post

                What size is the church you play in?
                Seats around 250 people. Early service is traditional hymns and mid morning is praise and worship

                What songs/bands do you play in church?
                Contemporary and some older praise and worship.

                What gear do you use in your church situation?
                I'm on guitar, use a Gibson LP or ES335 into JC 120. We have drums, keyboard and bass and vocalists.

                What is your role in the band? (Leader on acoustic, leader on electric, second guitarist, third guitarist, etc)
                Worship leader + guitar.

                What frustrations do you find playing in your church situation?
                Playing every week throughout the year can be a challenge with a small band. Looking to recruit more members to the band and get a trained sound tech.

                We subscribe to CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing International). For about R400 you get a year subscription to download lyrics and sheet music for most of the contemporary songs. It helps when eveyone's on the same page, especially with new songs. Check it out www.ccli.co.za.