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  • Jul 27, 2011
  • Joined Oct 16, 2007
  • Hey D-Man

    The old fashion, cheap way is to glue egg boxes onto the walls. It has the added benefit of a cheap high for a couple of weeks when you're in the room, ha ha.

    If you wanna go a step further, then also get some lengths of cheap wood and frame the room with them - like a picture frame - at the ceiling and the corners of each wall. You want the wood to be about 3 inches thick. Then get hold of some old carpeting and nail it onto the frame, so that there is a 3 inch gap between the carpet and the walls. The sound gets deadened by the carpet and trapped in the space between the carpet and the wall.

    Used that combination with an old band of mine that rehearsed in the guitarist's garage opposite a school and you couldn't hear anything unless you got to within a few metres of the garage.
    • Another wonderfully versatile, accomplished and tasteful guitarist is Nibs van der Spuy - one of the very best we've ever produced.
      • Nice quick handy guide - thanks Norio ?
        • I agree that it's not so much the brand as the individual guitar. As far as that goes, the best sounding, most playable, all-round most excellent gtr I've ever played is the Ernie Ball Musicman EVH signature model. Hands down, nothing has ever compared, before or since. Strangely, the Wolfgang wasn't near as good.