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  • Apr 3, 2017
  • Joined Mar 13, 2012
  • Finally got a strat of my own

    And its a splatter.

    And then something fun and simplistic to play around with and get my punk on

    • singemonkey wrote: No. Why would it be? Many iconic Les Pauls have had Bigsbys. This is mine:

      But if you're not sure, you can always get a vibramate that allows you to mount the Bigsby without altering the guitar.
      Man that is pretty.
      • singemonkey wrote:
        Talentloos wrote: I see a lot of people complain about the weird snot coloured inlays, but i like it. Its something different.
        I'd replace 'em ? But different strokes for different folks and all.
        Nah i'll keep it original.
        • I see a lot of people complain about the weird snot coloured inlays, but i like it. Its something different.
          • So i bought it in the end. Probably the best guitar i have played that i own. Totally in love with it. the neck is not too thin and it just feels so awesome to play. loving it every second of it. I might have found a guitar that i want to keep for a bit.
            • Would it be some kind of sacrilege to put a bigsby on a les paul?
              • This was one of the first gigs i ever played with one of my favourite guitars.

                • Yeah i got that, i think i phrased my question wrong. Can you study this at Unisa as a course and they give you study material to teach you or is it simply a way for you to test your skills where you say ok i want to take the test.
                  • Hey Guys.

                    I am thinking of doing Unisa music course in my spare time to get my guitar playing up a bit, but it is really hard to find info about it.

                    Has anyone here done it before? Is this only a yearly thing or can you also do it from the middle of the year as the rest of Unisa's courses?

                    I got till here http://www.unisa.ac.za/default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=159 but that does not provide a lot of information.

                    Any feedback or help would be appreciated.

                    • In NGD
                      My first ever Les Paul. So freakin excited.

                      2004 Les Paul classic 1960 something cause apparently people get really mad when you say reissue.

                      • Hey guys. Thinking of picking up one of these guitars. 2004 model. Anyone have any experience with them? I dont know a lot about Gibsons since i have been mainly playing fenders.

                        I hear the 1960 variant has a bit of a thinner neck. Hope this doesnt put me off since i didnt like the thin neck of some teles i have owned.
                        • Its a 2010 sheraton ii. It sounds amazing. Just waiting for payday to get it set up properly.
                          • This showed up at the office this morning. I have wanted one forever.

                            Now to get through work so that i can play it.
                            • Anyone started with the videos yet? Totally spaced about the start date. Will have to catch up tonight.

                              Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
                              • guidothepimmp wrote: I wouldnt rubbish or overlook a guitar simply because its korean instead of japanese.. there will be some serious geets in amongst some lemons.
                                This is true. I have an (supposed to be bullshit) affinity Squier. But someone fucked up at a factory and produced an awesome guitar that was bought in a pack with a shitty little amp for a 1000 bucks.

                                Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
                                • Alan Ratcliffe wrote: The early '80s Squiers were Japanese, not Korean. Korean Production only started in '88 or '89 IIRC.
                                  Yeah also saw that. I also read that they did make one earlier in Korea but they only started keeping serial logs from 88. So no way to date the earlier ones.

                                  Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
                                  • Sidecar wrote: Seems to from from the link above, you would have find out if its an early or late 80's model, with the earlier versions being more desirable.

                                    So finding out info via the serial will be useful.

                                    But the bottom line is to play the thing and see how it feels as every guitar is different.
                                    Found out it was actually a early 90's. Told the guy I am not interested. Also found the early 80 models are the ones to have.

                                    Ons side note I also found out the MIJ tele I have is quite a scare item in SA. So I might just hold off on selling for now.

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