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  • Jan 8, 2012
  • Joined Jan 3, 2012
  • Let's be honest here. There are two things all guitarists want when they first get into playing and aware of names and brands. A Gibson Les Paul and an American Strat. Those 2 are the holy grail of electric guitars for 95% of players. Deefstes, if you have the money to treat yourself, get yourself an MIA Strat...or maybe two. Once you've popped your Strat cherry, you'll know why they've been around for 60 years and why just about all the greats played one at one stage or another. There is still something about a MIA Strat or Les Paul that makes players who don't own one of them envious - but they will never admit it, I know, I'm one of them. Just do it, buy a Strat.
    • Alan Ratcliffe wrote: Welcome, but be careful Eugene... ?
      ...thx for the heads up, if I need assistance, I will call on Arnold Layne, maybe you know him...?
      • Wow, a whole lot of really humble, modest guys hanging out here. Are you chaps really guitar players? Most guitarists I've seen and spoken to, novice or not, think the sun rises everytime they get up off their butts. Nice to see not all of them are like that then...