theluckyjackson wrote:
Anybody else have that dream where you're about to start a show but you're stuck frantically untangling instrument cables ,hooking up your pedal, and tuning your guitar? Then while you're dealing the mess you look up and the once packed house is walking out in disgust. Recurring, recurring, recurring.
I don't pay much attention to dreams and don't have many (or don't remember many). However I do think that sometimes fear or anxiety can be turned around into something productive. So when you do a gig - any kind - make sure your guitar is in tune, that you are using leads you know to be reliable etc etc. That eliminates things to worry about. Players who want everything
just so, their guitars
there and in a certain order, their picks
there, their leads secured in such-and-such a way are not necessarily being PITA, they are just organising their work environment so they can work more productively.