Keira WitherKay wrote:
maybe you guys are missing the point........
i agree it's not fender and i said so above .
but maybe it's someones build??? a part caster
Not even. Controls, bridge (especially), pups, scratch plate bear no resemblance to any Fender. The parallelogram inlays on the neck... I see two possibilities here
1) Somebody has got excited by the shape of the headstock and concluded that the guitar is a fender (which requires a very sketchy knowledge of Fender guitars and ignoring the branding already on the headstock.
2) Somebody is taking a chance.
Some years ago I went with a drummer to look at a drum kit advertised as "Ludwig". When we go to the seller's home he described the kit as "Ludwig Re-plick-a" (emphasis on the syllable "plick"). The drums were an obvious Ludwig look alike and a bore a small sticker with the word "replica". I couldn't figure out if the seller genuinely didn't know what the word "replica" meant or was trying to con people by advertising the goods as "Ludwig" (which he had), but in any event the deal was not done.
Ja. The guitar may have some good things going for it, but if it's being presented as a Fender then it isn't and Fender money should not change hands.