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Well, i think I have a good ear for the differnt guitars in the song itself and yes the string muting does bother me.

The non played strings I have been practicing and hopefully that wont present the biggest problem.

Ill start trying this tonight. Ipod into amp, guitar into amp and hopefully Ill make the two mix quite well.
    Tried it unplugged last night in bed. My timing is slightly out, but Im getting the just of it and the solo isnt tooo hard if you get the timing.

    Im so happy about this song!
      infernox wrote:
      Im so happy about this song!
      This is the most important thing!!
      Another important thing: figure out what your muscle memory training time is. There is a period between learning a chord or whatever for the first time, putting the guitar down and then picking it up and being able to play the chord perfectly. While you are not playing your brain processes the fingering and sounds and programmes your hands. Cool hey? For some people it's five minutes, for me it's overnight. It's kind of like inception (the movie) - you plant the idea and let it grow without thinking or stressing about it. If you know it'll take a couple of hours to "reset" yourself you won't get frustrated when you don't get something straight away. Make sense?
        Jack Flash Jr wrote: Another important thing: figure out what your muscle memory training time is. There is a period between learning a chord or whatever for the first time, putting the guitar down and then picking it up and being able to play the chord perfectly. While you are not playing your brain processes the fingering and sounds and programmes your hands. Cool hey? For some people it's five minutes, for me it's overnight. It's kind of like inception (the movie) - you plant the idea and let it grow without thinking or stressing about it. If you know it'll take a couple of hours to "reset" yourself you won't get frustrated when you don't get something straight away. Make sense?
        THis is quite interesting. I sometimes find that the way to "learn" is just to leave whatever it is alone and the next day it suddenly comes a whole lot easier. I think this is getting around to saying that focussed practice for a defned period is better than just slogging away at something ad infinitum.
          X-rated Bob wrote:
          Jack Flash Jr wrote: Another important thing: figure out what your muscle memory training time is. There is a period between learning a chord or whatever for the first time, putting the guitar down and then picking it up and being able to play the chord perfectly. While you are not playing your brain processes the fingering and sounds and programmes your hands. Cool hey? For some people it's five minutes, for me it's overnight. It's kind of like inception (the movie) - you plant the idea and let it grow without thinking or stressing about it. If you know it'll take a couple of hours to "reset" yourself you won't get frustrated when you don't get something straight away. Make sense?
          THis is quite interesting. I sometimes find that the way to "learn" is just to leave whatever it is alone and the next day it suddenly comes a whole lot easier. I think this is getting around to saying that focussed practice for a defned period is better than just slogging away at something ad infinitum.
          Exactly. It was a bit verbose! I call it percolating.
            Jack, I think your right. As I was driving to a friend today I listened to the song and without really worrying/thinking about it, I was 'air-guitaring' the chords on the chorus and the solo.

            Ill be practicing this a bit more tonight albeit unplugged.
              There is something else and I'm sure no-one's going to disagree... make sure as you learn that you delved into other genres like classical, jazz, blues, classic rock, pop, country, flamenco etc. Even if you only listen to and learn a tiny bit it will enrich your chosen genre immensely!
                I am a varied listener.

                Anything from InFlames to Rise Against to NoFX to Jos Stone to The Eagles

                I realised that in my design industry, if you only like minimilism then you miss out and stop thinking outside the box.
                  infernox wrote: Im hopefully getting Keira as of next month to tutor me
                  Good choice ?
                    Guys with which fingers would you play the 022xxx chords?

                      For learning songs I've found Guitar Pro an invaluable tool. It has helped me with timings and picking up rhythms more than anything else. Although I'm not a fan of their latest version, 6. There is an open source alternative, Tux Guitar, which reads and saves GP files.

                      Now to the GP files themselves... I use Ultimate Guitar to find most of my tabs. Obviously these files are not the artists work, they are someone's interpretation of the songs so there can be errors or differences to the actual songs.
                        Thanx bud, ill look into that this afternoon
                          JohnnyReggae wrote: @infernox

                          For learning songs I've found Guitar Pro an invaluable tool. It has helped me with timings and picking up rhythms more than anything else.
                          plus eleventy million an 3
                            Guys with which fingers would you play the 022xxx chords?

                            I barre or I and M. The dampening with rh palm or lh I...

                              Jack Flash Jr wrote: Guys with which fingers would you play the 022xxx chords?

                              I barre or I and M. The dampening with rh palm or lh I...

                              Barre ... because I'm lazy ?
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