I believe when you go into a Music store you have to show that you're the boss, have confidence and be a loud mouth...that's the way to get their attention and service...and the biggest discount
Wa ha ha, or have an air of starving artist about you, like I unfortunately seem to have. I go shopping so seldom that prices invariably go up drastically in the interim. The look of disbelief on my face must be quite bad, because I get a discount without asking for it. They must think I'm on the wrong side of the breadline or something.
I felt just plain bad last time I went to look at prices for the express purpose of knowing in advance what things cost, but they were so willing to sell that I ended getting another discount because I didn't have just the right amount with me. Is this some kind of complex reverse psychology of sales people to get you to dish out more in the long term because you don't want to look like a cheapie again?