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  • Gear
  • So I just got a TC Electronic PolyTune for free (well almost)

Like the subject says...

I just walked into my local music equipment shop and went to have a chat with the tech guy when I see the TC Electronic PolyTune lying there on the workbench.

I was quite surprised that they already have this in Namibia(!), we are usually very far behind with things. I mean, Titanic just started showing in the local cinema... (not really but almost that bad)

Anyway, I ask a few questions and as it turns out they got one in not working condition, so ordered the second one and that is all they have at the moment. The damaged unit is not coming on at all, so probably a power issue inside...

So I offered to buy the damaged one since I can probably fix it (me being an electronic engineer and all that), but instead they said I can take it and if I manage to fix it I can pay them something for it, otherwise bring it back broken and they will keep it for spare parts...

Now I can't wait to open it up and have a look! But tonight I'm taking my wife to a dance so it will probably need to wait until tomorrow or later! ☹

Anyway, just wanted to share with you guys!
    djpauw wrote: But tonight I'm taking my wife to a dance so it will probably need to wait until tomorrow or later! ☹
    It always works that way, doesn't it?
      well, looks like the pedal just had some kind of earthing issue which I very quickly solved, so it is now working.

      Not working from the battery though, only from external power, but that is fine by me.

      It is very sensitive toward the power supply though! I tested it on one of these Ellies wall adapters and got erratic display. Power supply was clearly inducing some noise into signal path which tuner identified as some tone which it can not establish the nearest note to.

      I still want to do some final testing on a proper power supply.. Will keep anyone who is interested informed.
        djpauw wrote: But tonight I'm taking my wife to a dance...
        A guitarist that dances ?
          Sean wrote:
          djpauw wrote: But tonight I'm taking my wife to a dance...
          A guitarist that dances ?
          he is from Namibia - they have different rules there, like giving stuff away for free ???

          Next he is going to tell us that he knows a drummer who can sing and a bass player that tells good jokes! ?
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