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Now I know this question has been asked like a gazillion times before, but please I really do need some help here.

Living in Namibia I just don't have the luxury of walking into a shop with every amp imaginable and trying them out until I find what I like....

I'm looking for a combo amp within the following parameters:

1 - Must be a tube amp
2 - Budget up to about R4000, may stretch another R500 if really necessary
3 - From my (limited) experience I like the tone of a Marshall, so something similar would be nice if a genuine Marshall is not possible
4 - As for size, it must be flexible, I need something small enough to be able to practice at home but big enough to gig in a small to medium venue

What can you guys tell me?
    Would you consider mic'ing it up for a gig?

    If yes, then I would go with the Blackstar HT-5 (about R4000-5000)or one of their newer offerings (not sure about price)

    The HT-5 gives you the marshall sound and everything in between, but it is not loud enough for performance.
      With the budget and other requirements you mentioned, I'd recommend a Peavey ValveKing 112
        the marshall class 5 is a good option i think, if you like the marshall sound. its about R4500. very solid. i'm busy saving for one ?. either that or the vox ac4tv.
          with 4k its VERY hard to meet all your requiments..... I would say, you could get lucky and find a 2nd hand amp somewhere, I picked up a bassman at R6000...... which was RARE.....
          With 4k you are looking at a small tube amp combo, like the blackstar ht5...... which sounds great, and can be miced BUt will not give you enough volume un mic'd in gigs or practice......
            I currently own HT‑5 that was Aja's and used to own a Peavey Valveking 112. Both will more or less give you the tone you seek but unfortunately not at the volumes. The VK112 is pretty average sounding at low volumes and unbelievably loud at its sweet spot. The HT-5 sounds great but you dont have a clean sound with humbuckers at gig/rehearsal volumes. it is my opinion that you cannot win in this regard, unless you fork out more than R10k on something like a Mesa Express that is switchable between 5 and 25 watt. The marshall class 5 is also impractical because it will be very loud when driven and using pedals instead will give the same issue as the blackstar. My advice is to compromise both ways, get a 10-20 Watt combo and a suitable dist pedal. unless you can afford to own a small and bigger amp it will be a compromise anyway. 0.02 ZAR from someone who went both ways ?
              Laney VC-15. Fits perfectly in your price range....Nice OD channel as well.
                • [deleted]

                djpauw wrote: Living in Namibia I just don't have the luxury of walking into a shop with every amp imaginable and trying them out until I find what I like....
                Living in South Africa or Johannesburg for that matter... neither do I / we...

                I would say look for a second hand amp, but that's easier said than done, trying to source one from SA I presume, and getting it to Namibia will be a problem, and expensive.

                Setting the price limit, limits your options to a few amps, not many 'tube' amps are under R5k so why dont we you make a list of ALL that is available in SA.
                Youtube it, check the websites, surf around, and try find them to play before you buy!

                I could recommend these

                Peavey VK 112, bit to loud (+1 Ezietsman)
                Laney VC-15, (Decent amp, I used to own one)
                Vox AC4TV, might be to small, unless you willing to mic it at small to medimm gigs (Great sound for a ridiculously low price!) add a decent 112 or even 110 cab and you have winner imo for home use!

                I have no experience with the HT-5, in fact, don't think I've ever heard one...

                Happy hunting! ?

                  I saw an AC15 VOX retailing at bothners for R6000. U should be able to get a nice discount on that too if u ask.
                  Its got a lot more tone and balls than most tube amps....well thats if u want new....but of course u might find something cheaper 2nd hand if u look around!
                    Buy second hand. You'll have many more options within your price range and no downside. My amp and MIKA's amps are 40 years old and work fine. I don't see any real advantage in buying new.
                      Talking about second hand amps... isnt Andrews, fender bassman still availanble, with a self made 212 cab? If so it may be a bit big, but definatley worth the cash ? R5000 i think
                        yeh fully agree, Laney VC-15/ 30 or even the LC 15/ 30.

                        Nice amps, nice tones..

                        Worth a look
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