guitarboy2828 wrote:
How long have you had the guitar?
Not insanely long, since December. But the previous owner, Darthmort, said he had something like 13 or 12 guage strings on an extremely low tuning and I think he had it for a reasonable amount of time. That did its damage, I have the biggest problems around the 3rd, 4th and 5th frets and then on the last 4 frets from about 18th onwards. And its not always a buzz, for instance, if I hit on or slide from 3rd to 4th on the high E I get a strange almost liquidy sound which resembles a buzz but not really. It's the worst on the higher strings (High E and B specifically)
MIKA the better one wrote:
had it on and out in 7 days... cost me R1500, for some quality work and all frets (fretwire) REALLY thats the best option I think.
R1500 for a few good years of frets.... Or you may just need them filed correctly whic his 600 in the deluxe setup
The cost of music surprises me everyday! They told me it might be expensive to redress them and R600 is a little more than I expected. And I guess it's only logical considering the cost of fret wire, removing the old frets, installing the new ones etc but geeeee, R1600.... I think I'll just redress them.
Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
Dressing can usually be done two to three times before a refret is needed - unless you absolutely need to have your frets as high as possible (for a more scalloped feel, where you don't feel the fingerboard under your fingers). Even then, you should be able to get them dressed once with no issues.
At the price of a refret, I'll go for this option. I just want to make sure what they do when they redresss them. Do they just file all the frets down properly to level them out and stuff?